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Lost Me, Gained Regret (Jane and Bryant Ferguson) novel Chapter 81

Bryant's eyes narrowed slightly, an air of nonchalance in his gaze as he looked at me, a smirk playing on his lips. "Why don't you give it a try?"

It was his usual smile, yet I felt a shiver run down my spine, as if daring me would result in my neck being snapped in the next moment.

"Give it a try? Fine, I'll take your dare," I said, driven by a stubborn refusal to be seen as weak.

His expression turned icy, a scornful laugh about to escape his lips when suddenly, his phone rang.

Margaret's name popped into my head instantly. You've got to hand it to women's intuition.

And indeed, it was Margaret.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Bryant didn't answer, allowing the ringtone to blare incessantly. He could ignore it in a hundred different ways if he wanted to, so clearly, he chose not to.

"Bry, where have you wandered off to? I'm craving strawberry shortcake, and the baby wants it too. Hurry up and bring some home!"

The car's confined space, coupled with its soundproof interior, made Margaret’s sweet voice all too clear to my ears.

I swear, I wasn't eavesdropping on purpose.

Bryant, noticing this, stepped out of the car nonchalantly and stood by the roadside, leaving me with just a profile view of his face, which seemed tinged with irony.

I averted my gaze, unwilling to concern myself with their drama, and started fiddling with my phone.

What was it to me, anyway?

Their relationship had always been a roller coaster, a constant push and pull that seemed hostile but oddly codependent. From the outside, they couldn't stand each other, but in reality, they were inseparable, each indulging the other's whims.

But it wasn't long, maybe just a couple of minutes, before he opened the passenger door on my side.

His expression was conflicted, but his eyes conveyed a sense of guilt.

"Leaving already?"

I couldn't help but smirk cynically, realizing I had indeed become the other woman, the mistress in their relationship.

Just a call from Margaret, and my husband couldn't wait to rush to her side.


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