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Love Aint Always Pretty novel Chapter 16


- the scent of rain on dry earth

Origin: Greek


After visiting their mother's tomb, it was almost twelve noon when we left there and I'm terribly starving right now. The car paved way to the gravel road and I saw us arriving on the pathway of this old looking house. Tracy seemed so excited to be here but Nick was just quiet after we left the cemetery.

"Starving Savannah?" Tracy gazed at me over the rear view mirror.

"A little." I answered.

"Don't worry. Nick is here. He knows how to cook." She says before unbuckling her seatbelt.

When they stepped out of the car, I did too. I pulled my blouse down to cover my showing skin above my garter and then finally stared at the white colored house. Vines were creeping on the corners of the house and I see a patio swing right on the porch. I walked behind them as we march our way near the house.

"Who owns this house?" I asked.

"We do. It's where we used to live before we headed college." Tracy answered.

Nick inserts the house key to the knob and finally opens the front door. It was a small house and everything inside looked untouched, like they were still new furnitures. The living room couch was colored light green and the walls were white. There's this staircase that leads to the second floor and I see a door right across the living room which is probably the kitchen. Tracy closed the front door behind me as I watch Nick entering the kitchen.

"Are there still foods in the kitchen Nick?" Tracy asked.

"Yeah. I called Mr. Moore that we were coming over today so he did some grocery." He answered.

Tracy and I headed to the couch. "Your brother knows how to cook? Seriously?"

She nods and grabs the remote as she starts to turn on the television. It was an old looking tv but it was still working.

"Who's Mr. Moore?" I asked.

"The caretaker of this house. He's the one who's been looking after our place when we left for college. He lives a little close by."

The kitchen door swings open, "What do you girls want for lunch?"

"Make your all time famous spicy spaghetti Nick." Tracy said happily.

Nick gazed at me. "Would you want that for lunch?"

I nodded right away. "Yeah. Sure."

He walks inside the kitchen. "Could you look after my brother for me? He doesn't wanna be alone inside that kitchen."

"Why?" I asked.

"Something from his past. Could you? I just need to go to the bathroom."

Both of us stand. "Sure. No problem. And thank you Tracy."

She heads up the stairs while I was doubting if I should go inside or not. Little by little I slowly reach for the door and opened it. I see Nick chopping some spices, he pulled his head up to me. "What can I get you?"

I marched inside. "I was wondering if you needed any help."

"Oh. Could you chop this for me? I'm still going to make the sauce."

I paused. I don't know how to do that.

"Just follow the shapes of what I already chopped." He says.

He quickly stands on his feet and headed to the burner. I sat down on the same chair and started chopping. We were both quiet while we were both doing our thing. When I was done chopping, I stand and handed him the chopping board with the chopped spices that he needs. I was just watching him while he was busy cooking.

"How long have you been cooking? Guys don't really likes to cook." I said.

"Seven years now." He answered.

"Did your.. mom teach you how to cook?" I tried to make a conversation.

"No." He said quickly.

I didn't ask anything else further more cos I'm sure he'll just get mad at me if I do so. He's in a foul mood right now and I don't know why he is. Gosh he's so moody. I cleaned the table and threw the trashes that I left behind to the bin.

"Savannah." He called out.

I paused and turned to him. "Yeah?"

"Forget about what I said that night when you found me drunk."

I gazed at him, he's talking about Catherine. He was still focused on what he was doing. "Okay."

By the time we started eating lunch, the dish that Nick made was very delicious. It tasted a little bit sweet and spicy. It was great. He's even a better cook than I do. But then I noticed that he's been even more very quiet since that time he told me to forget about what he said that night and I'm sure he's clearly talking about Catherine. Who's Catherine anyways?

Around two or three in the afternoon, we were done watching this rom-com movie. Tracy and I were both laughing about the movie but Nick was just quiet right next to Tracy. Then Tracy and I started playing cards while Nick was just watching us. By six, when we were ready to leave, we started packing and the most unexpected thing happens.

"Guys I think we can't leave yet." Tracy called out while she was peaking outside the window.

I hear the raindrops hitting on the rooftop little by little, I looked up to the ceiling, then it poured hard with the next ones in a few seconds. I hurriedly ran to the window and the rain was pouring outside the house making everything totally soaked within two seconds. The loud pitter patter of the rain echoes inside the house and I think we are stuck here for tonight. One house with Nick.


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