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Love Aint Always Pretty novel Chapter 80


Translation: Marriage

Origin: Latin



"Need help here!" Ingrid screams.

All of the bridesmaids started rushing closer towards me and we were obviously hurrying everything up.

"Stomach in." One says.

I did so.

"Goodness Savannah!" Another one whines.

I exhaled.

"You gained weight in just a week my dear!" The make up artist added.

"Look at your gown. It doesn't fit you anymore." Mom says to me.

I exhaled heavily and took a deep breath in as I feel my wedding gown finally zipped up. I don't know why I've gained weight on just a week's time.

"Stress eating." I answered.

Everyone in the room went back to what they were doing after helping me fit my dress. I just wish it won't peel off of me cos of my past. They were all in a hurry to finish with their make-up and their hairdos before the time of the wedding ceremony. My girl friends were all asking where is this and where is that. I didn't really feel any rush at all. Seeing everyone in this room to be getting ecstatic about the wedding makes me sad. I was even wondering if Nick and Dakota would attend.

Damon's mom puts the veil on me while my own mother fixes my mini crown. Ingrid scratches her neck and puckered her lips with her lipstick. I smiled at her and she looks beautiful.

"You look so lovely." Mom says.

"Thank you mom." I answered.

"I'm so proud Damon is marrying such a beautiful woman."

I smiled at her. "Thank you."

All of the guest were already in the venue and when I was done with everything, I quickly got into the white Rolls Royce that was parked right in front of the hotel. Damon picked it to be my wedding car because her mom says so. I sat down at the backseat with my mom right beside me as the car moves along the road.

"Nervous?" She asked.

I shake my head. "No."

"Honey, do you really love Damon?"

I turned my head to her and we stared at each other silently. I know my mom knows my answer to her question.

"Do you really wanna spend your lifetime with him?" She adds.

I sigh heavily.

"I know you still love Nick." She tells me. Mother really knows best.

I try not to cry. "Of course I love Damon." I say.

She stares at me eagerly.

"But there's no turning back now mom. The wedding's here. Everyone is expecting me to say yes. Everyone wants me and Damon to end up together. Dad too, he always wanted me to marry someone rich."

"You can always say no when you don't want to. Darling if you're not ready for any of this then don't force yourself to get involve into something that involves spending a lifetime with."

"Thanks for saying that mom but I've made up my mind." I tell her.

She kisses my temple. "You've been a very strong girl honey."

The car arrived outside the church and as I look at everyone, I knew this is really it. I'm going to be tied down with Damon forever. Maybe not forever but for a long time. I'm going to spend my life with Damon. With Damon and not with Nick.

"You'll do great Savannah." Mom tells me as she walks out of the car.

She smiles. "If you don't want to get married then I will understand you. Don't worry about what your father will say."

I smiled at her. "Your happiness is more important to me." She says.

When it was my turn to walk down the aisle, dad opened the car door for me and I stepped out. We stood right outside the church and I didn't really dated on talking to him because I still hate him for what he did. I hooked my arm on his arm, as the orchestra and choir sang while both of us were walking down the aisle with everyone's attention on us. I stare at Damon standing on the end of the aisle, looking so formal and so happy. Suddenly he wipes his tears, God he really does love me. He's crying while watching me walk down this aisle.

My eyes travelled to the rest of the people that were in here and most of them I didn't really know who, which was on Damon's side of the family friend. I was searching for Nick and I couldn't find a tall brownish-blondish guy with a sexy beard on his face among the crowd.

"I didn't expect you to get married too fast." Dad speaks to me which catches my attention.

"Oh come on dad. You wanted this."

"Savannah are you still mad for what I've done?"

"Who wouldn't? Who wouldn't get mad? You knew I loved Nick and you knew he was my source of happiness but you took it all away. And now you want me to marry someone who doesn't even make me happy." I speak whisperingly as the flashes of the cameras hits our faces.

"He can make you happy. He's rich."

"I don't need money dad. I don't need wealth to make me happy, I'm not you." I exhaled heavily.

"Well you're here now and don't you dare say no to him. Do you understand me Savannah?" He asked while takes a grip on my arm.

Finally we reached the end of the aisle and my dad handed my hand to Damon. I smiled ruefully at him and I took the seat right in front of the priest together with Damon. The ceremony started but my mind was floating elsewhere. The priest was preaching something about marriage and happy family and how sacred this thing is that we were having right now but I didn't really paid attention to any of it.

I wanted to pull off the veil that's on me. I wanted to throw this killing heels that were on my feet. I wanted to run away and never look back and forget that this part of my life ever existed. If I say no to Damon, it'll ruin dad's name and he will blame me for this. Well fair enough, he ruined the life I had with Nick. But as much as I wanted to leave and go far away to stop this wedding, I don't have the guts to put Damon in such embarrassment. He wouldn't forgive me and he fears of loosing me.

"You may kiss the bride." the priest says Damon.

I knew we were officially married now. I stare at my wedding ring and my heart sinks that I'm Mrs. Patricks and I'm not Mrs. Wilde. Damon pulls the veil off of my face and kissed my lips.

"I love you." He says after kissing me.

"I love you." I say weakly.

We faced everyone else and as I stare at them clapping, seeing my mom crying and my dad too, made me realize that this is it. I'm tied. I'm married. I'm really married and I just couldn't believe it. An hour ago I was still Miss Canterbury but now my surname changed to something I don't want.

My eyes scanned through all the people that were inside the church and my eyes landed on the fifth row of chairs, I saw Nick and Dakota together. She was clapping along with the other people while Nick was just looking at me. I quickly looked away from his gaze because it hurts me seeing him watching me getting married.



I turned my head to Damon as he puts down out suitcase. We finally landed London, where we will be having our honeymoon. He holds both of my waist and pulls me close.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

I shake my head. "Nothing. Just tired from the long flight."

He kissed my forehead, "Why don't you take a rest? We'll tour around London this afternoon. How about that?"

I nod.

"I'll be out grabbing something for us to eat. Do you want anything?" He asked.

"Anything that is pasta."

"Alright. I'll be back. Love you." He kissed my cheeks before heading out of the room.

I started walking inside the bathroom and took a pee. The presidential room that we stayed in is lovely, Damon always chooses something that is fancy and that would fascinate me. I don't hate him for that, I know he only wants what's best for me.


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