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Love Aint Always Pretty novel Chapter 88


- acting or showing courage; very brave

Origin: Middle English


I couldn't find anything straight to think on how to say to Damon that it's not true because I couldn't fake it. My emotion on my face right now is probably obvious. I couldn't speak or say anything about it because I don't know how to lie about this matter.

"I didn't know you two were college lovebirds with Nick cos if I did I would've stopped you earlier from working on Devaloines." He states.

I gulped.

How did he know such information?

"Good thing I had a reliable source. Penny Houston? Yeah, your colleague. She works for me in New York. Kurt spilled it out too, he needed money, so I forced him. That gay." He adds.

I gaped.

My blood boils hearing that bitch's name again and until now she's still ruining my life. Even after college life. I think she really does envy me. Penny, I hate you so much that I couldn't explain how much I hate you. And I hated how Damon causally called Kurt gay to think the three of us have been great friends in college. Kurt even helped him a lot too. The nerve of this guy is too much!

"You may be wondering how'd I know about the father to your baby?" He asked me.

I hate that tone on him.

I couldn't answer him back because he caught me off guard. I'm standing before him with my mouth shut close. Damon is always a genius and I hate it that he's too intelligent, his mind thinks of way I couldn't believe he could even do nor think. I even wondered why he didn't pursue on criminology. He could've been a good investigator or detective.

He smirks and points to his temple.

"I'm a genius Savannah. I love solving things and you know that." He tells me.

I feel my tears gathering in my eyes because I'm getting so mad at him. He's saying things that are true and I hate it that he's rubbing it on my face.

"It was pretty simple. The bartender at the hotel on your bachelorette's party. That bar?" He snapped.

Oh god. Oh my goodness no. I'm sure he paid the bartender to say anything he needs to know about that night. Shit, I could still vaguely remember what I said that time. Jesus.

"Counted the months back when you had your first trimester and it all led to that party. I knew it had to be on that party. Caught you on CCTV again with Nick entering another hotel room. And you fucked each other all fucking night." He says and my heart breaks into billions of pieces.

My lips are trembling and I'm too embarrassed of what he found out. It's true. Yes it is but hearing it coming from Damon makes me worst of a wife than what he has been doing to me. He's physically hurting me but I'm emotionally hurting him.

"I'm right on everything, right? Or did I miss out something from the juicy details?" He asked me.

I shake my head in disbelief of what he said to me. I couldn't dare look into his eyes. It's too much. This is too much.

"You know, it was pretty hard on my part during the Stag party cos all I ever thought of was you so I tried to stop myself from getting tempted of the naked women before me. But you." He walks closer to me.

"You simply fucked a guy days before your wedding and got yourself pregnant. What a bitch." He adds and looks at me disgustingly.

"Shut up." I spit.

I quickly wiped my tears away and I feel so tiny of myself. But Nick and I made the baby with love and I don't blame myself that Damon couldn't get me pregnant. I didn't expect Nick would get me pregnant that night. I don't regret that night anyway, it was the best of all nights after being away from him. But you couldn't stop me from feeling so guilty of what I've done behind Damon's back and guilty for not telling Nick the truth about our child.

"Now let's see, I have this marvelous deal with you." He says.

I try to keep my composure together.

He smiles. "Your company is on the brink of closing."

My eyes widened and my tears fall.

"Your father has sold his share from the company, a few of your properties too and I think your family is on bankruptcy. You're poor now Savannah because your father wasted it all in casino." He tells me.

"They're doctors. Licensed doctors. You don't know what you're saying." I said.

He grins. "They aren't practicing their field anymore and they have expired license because they're too focus on their companies. To be honest, your brother has sold some of his belongings as well to pay up your parents debts."

"You're lying. They have millions of savings!" I say with fists curled into a ball.

"Wasn't enough to pay your debts. I didn't know your father had been having secret problems on his addiction to casinos." He clicks his tongue.

I'm so mad at Damon that I regretted the day I married him. I'm so mad that I want to pull out this IV from me and drag it down to his throat. He is undeniably being a dickass jerk and wipes it to my face that my family is having financial crisis. He is seriously rubbing it on my face, making it look like karma has got me after what I did behind his back.

"Now to clear it out, I am willing to help your father though I hate that guy to the bones because he only wants me to marry you cos of my money." He adds.

Even though it's true, I'm still mad at him for saying it.

"For me to save your dying company, I want you to never tell Nick he's the father of your baby. You'll stop seeing him. You'll totally forget about him. It's as easy as that." He continues on saying his proposition.

It's not as easy as how he said it.

"You want me to lie to Nick?" I asked.

"Yes." He says so proudly.

I shake my head in disagreement.

"He's the father to my child Damon. He has the right to know." I spit.

"Never ever tell him he's the father to your child or I won't help your family. Maybe, I'll learn to love her." He adds.

Why do I need to sacrifice a lot of things for the people that are close to me and hurt myself?

I look at him and I know Damon is serious about this. Of course he is serious. He's using my family's financial crisis problem against me. But I'm scared of what's gonna happen in the future for me and my child. Damon has changed his attitude and he's always gonna be jealous over little things I do with other guys. He will definitely guard me 24/7 now, every second of every day and he'll be much stricter for sure.

I don't want him to hurt my child. I don't want him to lay a finger on her skin and definitely not on her hair. If he would do that, I would want him to do that to me instead.

"You know I'm not a bad man Savannah." He holds my arms.

Screw you.

"Lets start a new life." He says.

My tears are still building behind my eyes because I'm so mad at him and that u can't do anything about it. He is indeed blackmailing me but what can I do? I have no choice. I have to help my family. I didn't know dad was addicted to casino. No wonder he wants me to marry a rich man so badly because he's been having this huge debt since before. I'm so angry at everything related to my dad cos he always ruin my life. I want to punch these walls that are around me but I'm too weak.

Chapter 88: 88 Valiant 1

Chapter 88: 88 Valiant 2


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