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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 366

"Hand it over to me first." The man furrowed his brow, pondering for a few seconds before his slender fingers picked up the recording.

He then walked out of the room.

Felix silently shut his mouth, thinking to himself that Ms. Valentine had sent it over, surely wanting Mr. Lippert to deal with Elaine fairly.

Was Mr. Lippert hesitating?

Wonder if Ms. Valentine would be disappointed upon finding out?


Inside the Banyan City Police Department.

In the cell holding Elaine, Delphine Zane hurriedly slipped some cash to the officers, who exchanged glances before leaving them some space.

Delphine immediately said, "Elaine, it was only after you fainted from vomiting blood that Ludwik finally showed a bit of leniency and agreed to come get you. You have to seize this opportunity! Your dad told you, Jarvis fled back to Emperor City overnight. He had planned to sabotage Ludwik's company but got promptly outmaneuvered, and the Jar Rail Corporation suffered massive losses. About the kidnapping of Daniel, Jarvis pinned it on a scapegoat from the Jar Rail Corporation..."

Delphine gave Elaine a meaningful look, "Jarvis has been defeated, and since he's run back to Emperor City, there's no one to refute your story. You know what to say, right?!"

Elaine's gaze shifted, a cold light passing through her eyes as she clenched her teeth, "I understand, Mom."

"It's all because of the mess you and he got into that Ludwik's disappointed in you. Do you know how people outside are mocking our family, mocking you..."

"Enough!" Delphine didn't want Zane to continue berating their daughter and quickly pulled him away, casting a warning glance at Elaine before they left.


It wasn't until noon that Elaine completed the bail process, supported out of the police station by a couple of paramedics.

She was still dressed in the luxurious, diamond-studded wedding gown from the day before, but after a night of interrogation, its romance and elegance were lost. The dress was wrinkled and dragged on the ground, her makeup smeared across her face from tears, making her look both pitiful and ridiculous.

Seeing Elaine, no longer the pure and gentle woman he remembered, Ludwik felt nothing but estrangement.

"Elaine..." Upon seeing the tall, handsome man, her eyes reddened, and she rushed towards him, lifting her dress.

But before she could reach him, Ludwik calmly caught her arm, instinctively pulling away.

Elaine stumbled into a nearby pillar, her heart skipping a beat as she stiffly looked up at him.

His face was cold, elegant, and calm, lacking any of the compassion he had shown her before.

She knew the video with Jarvis had completely angered him.

A look of regret and pain crossed her face as she sobbed, "Ludwik, I didn't mean to deceive you yesterday, I'm sorry, I was forced by Jarvis! I had no choice, please let me explain..."

"Stand up," Ludwik said, glancing at the disheveled woman with a detached tone. "Let's go back first, Elaine."

Ludwik nodded to the maid he had brought with him, who helped Elaine up. He then walked towards his Bentley.

Elaine wiped away her tears, giving the maid a cold look before weakly getting into the Bentley.

Throughout the drive, she didn't dare to speak, her heart filled with anxiety. However, she noticed they were heading towards Everwood Villa Estate...

Her tense heart relaxed a bit, and she couldn't help but smile.

Even if Ludwik was angry, he was still letting her return to their home, to the place she shared with Daniel. It seemed...

Just then, the car stopped, interrupting Elaine's thoughts.

Ludwik stepped out with a swift stride.

Elaine hurriedly followed, lifting her dress.



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