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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 367

The man's demeanor was as chilling as a frosty winter morning, making Elaine shiver with unease.

The voice recorder played back her conversation with Mr. Turner...

Her complexion turned ghostly pale in an instant. Had Ludwik discovered that it was she and Mr. Turner who had stolen the Sharp-F Chip?

Panic engulfed her.

No, stay calm...

Her mother had already drilled into her that if ever accused, to deflect blame onto Jarvis. She had mentally rehearsed her story countless times.

Tears streaming down her face, Elaine pleaded, "Ludwik, the kidnapping, tampering with the operations at Skyfaith, it was all Jarvis’ doing. He blackmailed me with compromising photos of us, loads of them!

I was terrified, his tactics were ruthless, using my parents to threaten me.

I never meant to harm Skyfaith, he threatened to ruin any chance of us getting married.

I was so desperate to be your wife, scared you’d find out my secrets and reject me.

I got confused, Ludwik, I know I messed up, please, can you forgive me?

It hurts so much, my kidney is in agony..."

She collapsed on the floor, her hysterical sobs and the sight of her pallid, curled-up body frustrated Ludwik.

Once, such a display from Elaine would have evoked his sympathy, guilt even, for his mother taking one of her kidneys.

But now, his feelings had shifted towards disdain.

Unable to discern truth from lies.

And he no longer wished to try.

He was aware of Jarvis’ nefarious methods, but it takes two to tango.

Who could really know what went on in her mind?

Her malice towards Danny wasn’t unfounded.

With a cold tone, Ludwik lifted her chin, his words laced with sarcasm, “Elaine, you should know, the only reason you're not behind bars, and this recording hasn’t been handed to the police, is because you donated a kidney to my mother, and saved my life.

Otherwise, for your involvement in Danny’s kidnapping and the betrayal of Skyfaith, you’d be facing far worse.

I haven’t forgotten our past. That’s the only reason you're still safe.

The wedding is off. We both need some time to cool off, hence my suggestion for you to move out.


His face was devoid of emotion.

His harsh words delivered so calmly made Elaine tremble violently.

She knew better than to push him further, recognizing the rage simmering just beneath his calm exterior.

Elaine, sobbing, accepted her fate, “Alright, I’ll move out for now. I know you’re angry about what happened with Jarvis. Once you’ve calmed down and forgiven me, I’ll come back, Ludwik. The wedding has always been my dream.

My health is failing, and if I can’t marry you, I’d rather die now.

But remember, we’re forever bound, for one of my kidneys lies within your family!

I’ve saved your life twice, at great personal risk. You owe me a lifetime, Ludwik.”

Ludwik’s expression grew colder, sensing a veiled threat.

The word ‘obligation’ weighed heavily on him.

Indeed, one of her kidneys was in his mother's body.

He wasn't one to forget a kindness.

Yet, at this moment, Ludwik wished Elaine hadn’t donated her kidney or saved him...

He sighed inwardly, knowing such thoughts were fruitless and heartless.

He pressed his lips together, “Driver, take Elaine to Stream Manor.”


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