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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Stop Making Me Mad Clarissa only returned to her normal state at night. After getting into bed, she asked Damien, “What did you give to the public prosecutor’s office?

He pulled out a stack of documents from the bedside table and passed them to her. “See for yoursell.”

The more Clarissa read, the more terrified she became More than a decade ago, Frank Moore and a few other companies had joined hands to boycott an up-and-coming real estate company, Universal Real Estate. They had even caused a widow to jump off a building and pushed the blame on Universal Real Estate’s president Patrick Lawrence. This caused Universal Real Estate’s reputation in Genovia to go down the drain, after which Patrick tried to take his life. When he failed, he and his wife left the country.

Clarissa glanced at Damien He wasn’t reading. Heleaned against the bed frame while smoking a cigarctte.

“Patrick Lawrence is…” She tried to find the right words.

“Your father-in-law.” Damien said.

She nodded silently. She finally know where her parents-in-law were.

Clarissa suddenly felt like undemeath Damien’s steady, confident appearance lay a painful past, which had been caused by Joseph’s father. At the same time, Grandpa had lung cancer.

She wanted to wrap her arms around him, but she was afraid that he would push her away.

She used to think that she was pitiful. Now, however, she knew that Damien was equally pitiful.

In the end, she failed to suppress her urge to hold him. She turned and threw her arms around him.

“It’s not like I knew about all of this.” Clarissa suddenly started crying, sounding frustrated.

“What didn’t you know about?” Damien could tell that she was crying, and she looked rather pitiful. However, he couldn’t help laughing


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