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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137 So, You Remember You Still Have a Home Here

Clarissa was struck with a cold chill throughout the entire afternoon.

Still, there was one thing she was very clear about. Damien dealing with Howard had nothing to do with her.

While the other departments gossiped about how Howard was taken away by the public prosecutor’s office, the audit department remained as calm as ever.

After Clarissa got off work, she headed to Genovia Hospital.

Luke happened to be standing right outside Theresa’s ward. He even looked behind Clarissa mockingly before asking, “Where’s your husband?”

“Something urgent happened at the company today, so he didn’t come.” Clarissa entered Theresa’s ward straight away.

Joseph happened to be sitting at her bedside, clearly absorbed in a conversation with her.

The sight of Theresa looking relieved Clarissa feel.

“Congratulations on your mother’s recovery, Clarissa,” Joseph congratulated.

“Thank goodness that’s the case.” If things were to proceed as Luke had said last time, Theresa’s oxygenator would have been unplugged a long time ago. When Clarissa remembered how Nicole refused to let Joseph off the hook for what he had done for her, she quickly dragged him to a side and asked, “Mr. Moore, I heard Nicole is the reason Miss Steward resigned. Is that true?”

“Don’t listen to Luke’s nonsense. The reason I recruited Nicole in the first place was because her credentials and educational background fit my firm’s requirements. It has nothing to do with you. Just be yourself,” Joseph said seriously. “As for Rebecca, she’s an excellent colleague. It’s just that we don’t see eye to eye with each other.”

Despite Joseph’s words, Clarissa knew that something was up.

“What do you mean, it has nothing to do with her? It has everything to do with her!” Somehow, Luke managed to eavesdrop on their conversation from behind.

“Luke!” Joseph admonished sternly.

“Clarissa! Now that our mom’s awake, why didn’t Mr. Lawrence come here to visit her? If he’s here, I’ll drop it, but if he doesn’t…” Luke chuckled slyly. “You might as well get married to Mr. Moore, eh?”

Clarissa chose to tune Luke out. She moved to sit by her mother’s bed.

Frankly speaking, she also felt rather guilty.

“Mom,” Clarissa said to Theresa. “Today, the finance director of my company got taken away by the public prosecutors. He didn’t come to visit you due to the urgency of the matter. I hope you won’t take it to heart.”

Theresa couldn’t help but heave a mental sigh. The truth was that Damien had already visited her some time ago. But she was unable to relay this to Clarissa, so she could only comfort Clarissa by saying that everything was fine.

When Joseph heard that the finance director had been taken away, he thought, ‘This could be a great chance for Rebecca!’

The reason Rebecca had left Great West Accounting Firm in a fit of rage was mainly because of Nicole talking about how she should have sued Clarissa in order to control Joseph. In the past, Joseph and Rebecca already had conflicting opinions on various issues. Still, they managed to compromise with each other in order to stay as partners. But after Nicole arrived at the firm as a new hire, the conflicts erupted into uncontrollable chaos which ultimately infuriated Rebecca

Truthfully speaking, Joseph was able to deal with the matter of Nicole wanting to sue Clarissa smoothly. However, he didn’t want Clarissa to be tainted at all. Even the court’s summoning ticket could wreak havoc for Clarissa’s future career path.

The doctor had already given Theresa a check-up. He claimed that she had a clean bill of health, and that she could be discharged within ten days.

On Friday afternoon, Clarissa finally returned to Hill Villa.

Damien had already gotten off work by then. He happened to be seated on the couch at home.

“So, you still remember where your home is?” he commented dryly after seeing Clarissa.


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