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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Your Husband’s Not Dead Yet, What Are You Crying About?

Damien soon entered the office.

His hand was in his pocket, and he was here to take some documents for the meeting.

This time, he was having a meeting with the newly-staffed finance department, alongside other departments as support.

Even though the company had gone through a reform, Damien still had to clean up the mess Howard left behind and calculate next year’s budget.

It seemed the meeting would drag on until midnight.

The moment he entered the office, he saw Clarissa standing there with a face filled with tears.

“I’m not dead yet. Why are you crying?” he asked. Then, he walked toward Clarissa and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

Clarissa shoved his hand away.

“I can’t believe you’re the one behind this!” Clarissa exclaimed.

At first, Damien thought Madelynn had compressed the video and sent it to Clarissa through Whatsapp

“Yeah, so what?” Damien didn’t like her demeaning tone one bit.

“How dare you!”

“Like I say, so what?” While speaking, he headed to his desk for the documents.

He glanced at the laptop screen, and noticed the messages by Luke.

Damien was in the conference room when Luke sent those. Since his meeting was ongoing, he didn’t have the time to look through his messages.

He shifted his gaze at Clarissa and left a sarcastic remark. “I see now. You‘re crying because of another


“Why?! Why do you have to do this? What exactly did Joseph do to get on your nerves? Is it because he has a crush on me? We didn’t even do anything inappropriate together!” Clarissa shouted at the top of her lungs.

Damien grimaced. “I don’t like him.”

‘There are a lot of people you don’t like! That doesn’t mean you can kill them off one by one!” Tears stained Clarissa’s clothes as she blurted out the words,

What exactly did Joseph do that was so wrong?!

Damien gritted his teeth furiously, veins bulging on his forehead.

“Don’t cry for another man in front of me!” Damien was irked.

“You’ve ruined his entire life!” Clarissa didn’t care how much Damien disliked Joseph. He still shouldn’t have destroyed his life with such petty means!

“Do you feel bad for him?” Damien glared at her.

Clarissa didn’t respond.

“Let’s file for a divorce!” After she calmed herself down, she continued, “I don’t want to be with a man

with no morals!”

There were a lot of things Damien did that sounded wrong to her.

Just now, Damien seemed to have only realized what Clarissa was talking about right after seeing the laptop screen.

By intuition, Clarissa realized that they were talking about two different things moments ago.

What was Damien hiding from her this time?

What had he been doing behind her back all this while?

Now, Damien had tarnished Joseph’s name to the point of no return.

What would he do if he lost interest in her one day? Would he sell her off to some perverted men?

“You dare to ask for a divorce?” Damien looked at her with cold eyes. “Back then, the only reason you agreed to marry me was because of money. Now, you’re leaving for another man? Is it because I can’t satisfy your needs anymore?”

Clarissa looked up silently, trying to stop her tears from flowing.

All this while, she thought he actually loved her.

“Fine, then! But remember what we agreed upon! I have the upper hand when it comes to filing for a divorce!” Damien exclaimed.

Clarissa was left speechless.

All of a sudden, it dawned upon her that this wasn’t all about herself. She still had an important factor to consider, and that was Damien’s grandfather.

After he grabbed his documents, he pressed on her chin and lifted it up. “I’ll go back to my meeting now. Before I come back, you’d better think this through!”

After that, he left.


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