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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 A Gift

Clarissa sighed deeply the moment she left her uncle’s house.

The air there was so tense, she found it hard to breathe

As she walked slowly, Clarissa recalled her argument with Damien and Joseph.

After she walked past a 24-hour convenience store, she looked inside and saw a familiar figure buying a pack of cigarettes. The man looked a lot like Joseph.

She stood outside the convenience store, and waited for him to come out.

The man looked back just as he lit up a cigarette.

Their eyes met and she was right. That man was indeed Joseph!

It was quite an awkward encounter, because Clarissa still felt bad for Joseph. After all, he wouldn’t have fallen into Nicole’s trap if it wasn’t for Clarissa.

“Mr. Moore? Why are you here?” Clarissa asked.

“I’m… I’m here for a business trip,” Joseph replied awkwardly.

Clarissa could sense that he escaped town on purpose.

Out of all the districts in Genovia, Pentatone County had the least population and was the most underdeveloped district. Thus, Joseph’s scandal was almost nonexistent in this place.

“Mr. Moore… I’m really sorry about what happened to you,” Clarissa said with a lowered head.

While chatting, they strolled together.

“You don’t have to apologize. This has nothing to do with you.”

“Do you know who’s behind that incident?” Clarissa asked.

“If I were to guess, I think Nicole’s the one trying to set me up. To tell the truth, she didn’t threaten me with anything. I’ve already given her the bag. Without any evidence, it’s difficult for her to set up a case. I’ve already told her that. After the news got leaked to the public, she didn’t approach me for some reason. I also have no idea what’s wrong with her.” Joseph paused. Then, he stuttered out the words, “We never…”


Joseph softened his tone, “… I thought it was you and stabbed myself with a needle to stop myself. I was wide awake, and I’m pretty sure we didn’t have sex. You have to trust me. That the video was heavily edited.”

A new thought crossed her mind. ‘Huh… I don’t think Luke and Damien are the ones behind this.’

Right after that, she felt disgusted at herself for trying to protect Damien’s name when things had escalated to this point.

“Why are you in Pentatone County?” Joseph asked.

“My mom wanted to visit my grandmother, who lives here. Since the house is pretty cramped, I have to spend the night at a hotel tonight,” Clarissa explained.

Joseph cocked his head. “I don’t think it’s safe for you to stay alone outside.”

“You don’t have to worry about me. Lily came with me. She’s currently waiting for me at the hotel.”

When Joseph looked down, Clarissa’s red and puffy hands caught his attention. He grabbed her hand and frowned. “What happened to your hands?”

“I’m fine. I was washing some clothes for my grandmother just now.” Clarissa retracted her hands almost instantly

Only then did Joseph feel relieved. “I’ll walk you to the hotel.”

Clarissa nodded.

While they were walking, Joseph asked, “How’s your revision going? Don’t be lazy! It’s your final push. Remember to refer to my notes during revision, okay? Once you pass the final exam, your salary will be doubled.” Joseph only wanted the best for Clarissa.

“I haven’t been studying at all recently. I’ve been busy with work,” Clarissa said honestly.

“You still have to take some time off to study. I’m sure you’ll have a bright future at New East Corporation’s audit department.”

Clarissa appreciated Joseph’s kind words despite everything that had been going on. She clenched her fists and said, “Thank you for telling me that.”

At this moment, Connie was still trailing from behind. When the man turned around, his face looked very much like the man featured on the news.

However, she couldn’t get a clearer look because of the dim lights.


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