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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 I’m Looking At My Wife’s Photos

The next day. Clarissa went back home in Landon’s car after her grandmother’s bed sheets were dry. She then returned them to her grandmother.

After the holidays, she resumed work again

Janet said that the annual meeting would commence in a few days. By then, Damien would be giving the audit department an award.

Clenching her fists, two words rose to Clarissa’s mind: Damien Lawrence.

The thought of Damien made her feel conflicted about her own emotions.

She hadn’t seen him for days, but she still maintained contact with Grandpa by comforting him that everything was fine.

Since it was the end of the year, the audit department was hustling to get its job done. Swamped with work, Clarissa would always overwork herself until late at night.

For the next few days, Clarissa would stay at her office until ten at night with her dinner on her right and her laptop on her left. When Lucas passed by, he saw Clarissa’s serious expression through the glass windows

He took a few photos and sent them to Damien.

Lucas: (Looks like you two won’t be having any children soon, Mr. Lawrence.)

Damien lowered his head and looked at those photos. They were all photos of Clarissa’s side profile. With bright eyes and distinct facial features, she exuded the charisma of a professional businesswoman who took her career seriously.

Blood surged up his body the moment he saw those photos. Looking at them alone was enough to arouse him.

Quickly, he saved the pictures inside his phone.

However, anger engulfed him instantly the moment the image of Clarissa crying for another man rose to his mind.

Not only did Joseph dare to seduce his wife, but their families had also held grudges with one another for generations.

“Damien, what are you looking at?” Tonight, Madelynn had paid Damien a visit at his house.

She had just finished shooting a night scene. The only reason she came to visit was to figure out if Clarissa had told Damien about the incident from years ago.

“I’m looking at my wife’s pictures.”

Judging from how serious Damien looked just now, Madelynn assumed that Clarissa had sent some lewd photos to him.


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