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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 214

Chapter 214 The Distance from Heaven to Hell “How much did they pay you? Why did you frame me?!” Patrick had already forced Theresa to the window.

“Patrick! Calm down!”

Suddenly, Patrick snapped. “My… My son married your daughter?”

“Yes, yes he did.”

“No, no! I can’t allow him to invite disaster to all of us! Will you only stop after destroying the entire Lawrence family?”

He slowly approached Theresa, inching closer and closer.

Theresa could only lean against the window. This place had been vacant for a long time, and the glass had long since shattered.

Then, she suddenly realized what was going on.

“Wait, no. Emily isn’t my daughter! Clarissa is!” “Clarissa?” Patrick was confused again. “Who’s that? Tell me who Clarissa is!”

Without warning, he roared and pounced at her.

This scared Theresa, and she shrunk back. He grabbed her by the collar. “It’s you!!! It’s you, it’s you, it’s you!” Patrick was infuriated. Every cell in his body was shaking in anger.

Earlier that afternoon, Patrick had gone to the university for a lecture. On his way back, he ran into Emily.

She told him, “This evening, my mother’s going to go to my old house. You know, the one where….”

She leaned in close and whispered wickedly into his ear, “The one where she killed my father. She probably wants to see what the empire you built up looks like now. There are only a few families staying there, and the place looks abandoned. Her name isn’t Theresa Hale. It’s Theresa Zell!”

Then, Emily laughed derisively. She detested Theresa. Not only was Theresa frugal, but she also never bothered about Luke. All Theresa did was resent Emily for pushing Luke to get money from Damien.

People always said that it was best to marry a man who was financially independent, and whose parents were dead.

Luke’s father was already dead, and he only had a mother left.

She would wait to see how Theresa would end up. “What are you doing here?” Damien’s voice suddenly rang out from behind Patrick. “Let her


Patrick turned back. “No, I won’t! She made me lose everything, and m.de the lives of everyone in this neighborhood a living nightmare. There’s no way I’ll let her go! No w.iy…”

After that, he lifted his arms up. Theresa’s center of gravity went haywire, and she lost her balance. Just like that, she fell out of the window.

Damien’s brows furrowed. Blood rushed into his knees as he made a mad dash to the window and looked down from it.


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