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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 220

Chapter 220 Got On Well? That night, Damien didn’t come back.

Lily invited Clarissa out for pizza. The pizza smelled delicious, but unlike before, neither of them had the appetite to eat.

Lily held Clarissa’s hand. “Clarissa, don’t be like this. We’re all sad that your mom’s gone, and we all know it wasn’t an accident, but that’s what the police have concluded it to be. What else can we do?”

“Even you can tell that it wasn’t an accident?”

“Yeah. All of us can tell. I heard that President Lawrence had Mrs. Johnson cremated as soon as possible. Also, why were you out for so long?” Lily asked.

Clarissa frowned. If she had guessed correctly, she had been unconscious for four days and three nights.

Four days was more than enough time for Damien to make sure everything was taken care of.

She suspected he’d given her sleeping pills.

If he didn’t have a guilty conscience, why did he rush through the whole thing? And why had he drugged her so that she couldn’t be around for the police’s investigation? “There’s another thing. President Lawrence got someone to clear out your cubicle today. Where are you going?” Lily asked.

“Emmeria, maybe. I told him that I wanted to go abroad. He probably doesn’t want me to go to Emmeria because Joseph’s going there at the end of the year, but I insisted. With what’s happened to my mom, he has no choice but to say yes.” Clarissa’s gaze sharpened.

Lily opened her mouth, but she didn’t say anything. “What do you want to say?” Clarissa asked.

“Once you go abroad, you probably won’t be back for a long time. You and President Lawrence

“I initially wanted to get a divorce. Rich people like him can do anything they want just because they have money. Since he can use money to shut the police up, he can always use it to find himself another woman. We’ll just live our separate lives from now on.” Clarissa’s heart had frozen over, but her words were filled with contempt.

“But you guys got on so well before this.”

Clarissa sneered. “Got on well?”

In the beginning, he’d suspected her and Zach. After that, he’d suspected her and Joseph. He was suspicious of everything.

She and Damien had only truly started to get on well recently, but they were now about to be separated.

Becoming powerful was her only way out. Once she was powerful enough, she wouldn’t have to acquiesce to him all the time and beg him for money.

“Well, Landon and I will see you off when you leave. Everyone in the company’s gossiping like mad about you, so I guess it’s good that you won’t be going in.”

Clarissa nodded.


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