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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 329

Chapter 329 Hand In Hand

“The spaghetti you made tastes really nice.” Clarissa changed the topic by complimenting


After dinner, she went to the basin and washed the plates alongside him.

She was worried Damien might be irked by her romantic description of Zach just now, so she tried to make it up to him.

Damien rolled his sleeves up to his elbow. Slightly bending his back, he placed the dishes. under the running water and cleaned them one by one.

Clarissa reached for the clean plates and wiped them dry.

The two of them worked silently.

“Can you fold my sleeves for me?” Damien broke the silence.

While wiping the plates, Clarissa’s gaze fell on his sleeves, which were almost rolled down to his hand, and to his palms, which were covered with foam from the detergent.

She wiped her hands and rolled up his sleeves

Then, they continued on with their task and finished cleaning everything.

Afterward, Damien told Clarissa to rest in the room while he cleaned up the dining table.

A listless Clarissa held her waist and laid down on the bed.

She browsed through her social media, and soon spotted Madelynn’s comment under her post.

Madelynn: [This is Genovia Park, right? Damien and I visited that place six years ago. I miss the animals there. I even got on the boat on the lake with him.]

Clarissa’s face fell when she saw Madelynn’s obnoxious comment.

She even had the urge to delete that post immediately.

“Why didn’t you post a picture of me?” Damien entered the room with his phone in his hand.

Clarissa was stunned. “What?”

“Why didn’t

you post a picture of me?” he repeated.

“Aren’t you worried about what your employees will say when they see those pictures? What’s more, without your permission, I’m not bold enough to post anything that’s related to you. After all, you’re the president of New East,” Clarissa said bluntly.

“I don’t mind. You can post my pictures next time.”

Clarissa muttered, “Okay”

Inside, she thought, ‘Why’s he trying to control what I put on Instagram? I can do whatever I want! It’s my account, after all.’


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