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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 355

Chapter 355 I Only Care About You While Damien conversed with Landon downstairs, Clarissa was also chatting with Lily via Whatsapp in her room.

Lily: (Clarissa, Landon’s game is going to fail! He’ll be facing a huge setback. It’s all my fault for inviting you and President Lawrence to his birthday party that day, which led to President Lawrence investing in his game. I think he’ll be suffering from a huge financial loss too. It’s my fault for causing President Lawrence to suffer from that loss. I feel so guilty right now)

Clarissa (That was random. What on earth are you talking about?]

Lily was easily flustered by nature, so she couldn’t help but ramble on and on

Lily: [“Manor of the Marquis” has canceled their collaboration deal with Rhythmic Technology. Landon’s game was supposed to go viral, but now it won’t even gain any popularity! Also, I only found out that the new interns that got hired this year receive their starting salaries at a similar amount as my current salary! They’re able to receive an extra two thousand dollars compared to our starting salaries back when we were interns! I’m so depressed right now! Heck, even the rest of the company is pretty moody! It makes me want to go for a master’s degree right now! Both Landon and I are going through so many challenges right now!)

Clarissa was silent for a long time after reading Lily’s lengthy message.

She had always wanted to complete the studies she was forced to give up on a long time ago. However, she never said anything to Damien. Clarissa was afraid that if she said anything to him, he wouldn’t agree to her decision at all. That made lier unable to open up to him in terms of her studies.

If she was a complete newbie without an educational background like Lily, she would’ve gone into that slump as well.

At the end of the day, Clarissa’s educational background was her sore spot.

She had already received a letter of offer from her desired university. All that was left was to attend the new term.

“What are you thinking about?” After Dainien went upstairs, he noticed Clarissa spacing out in her room, so he couldn’t help but ask that question.

“oh, Lily told me that ‘Manor for the Marquis’ has canceled their collaboration deal with Rhythmic Technology, so she’s quite anxious about it.” Clarissa chose to opt out the matter regarding Lily’s new dream of furthering her studies.

“News sure travels fast, huh? Landon dropped by just now and told me the same thing.”

“Are you suffering from a financial loss, then?” Clarissa couldn’t help but ask nervously.

Damien just smiled. “It’s just pocket change for me.” Clarissa thought, ‘I won’t be able to earn your so called pocket change even if I were to spend my entire life at work’ “Don’t you care about it?” “I only care about you. My heart isn’t big enough for anything else,” Damien replied lightly.

Clarissa blushed heavily. ‘He must be joking. Just look at how nonchalant he is!’ “How’s the baby?” she wanted to visit her son earlier, but Patrick was there first, so she didn’t get to see her precious baby. Now, she felt aggrieved because of it. “Just go visit him if you want to. No one’s stopping you.”

Just when Clarissa was about to bicker with Damien, her phone chimed loudly. It was a Whatsapp message from Penelope.

Damien’s phone also started ringing. It was a phone call from someone else.


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