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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67 Why Didn’t You Discuss with Me Dannien sat in his office and thought about the abortion Incident.

Last night, Clarissa refused to let him touch her. Before that, she told Luke that she didn’t want a child at all. She was meant to become an accountant and earn buckets of gold, after all.

She told Damien that she said all that just to trick her brother. Now that he thought about it, that didn’t seem to be the case.

She must have secretly gotten an abortion without him knowing,


Damien quickly used the company landline to dial Clarissa’s desk phone.

“Come to my office!” His voice was so cold that it could freeze someone from inside out.

Clarissa was so exhausted. Plus, she was in the middle of calculating a hefty bill, so she couldn’t bear to lose her focus. She tried to delay the meeting. “Can I go there later?”


Feeling quite helpless, she could only ditch her work for the time being and headed to Damien’s office. The moment Clarissa entered his office, Damien did his best to control the rage in his voice as he asked, “Did you get rid of the baby?”

That woke her up instantly. “What?!” Clarissa didn’t know what he was talking about. “When I was away these few days, did you get an abortion?” Damien glared at Clarissa with murderous intent.

Clarissa frowned.’ was never pregnant in the first place! Didn’t I tell you this before?’

“I didn’t get pregnant at all! I was lying to my brother that day!” she replied.

However, she suddenly noticed the thermos flask that was sitting on Damien’s desk. It was made of stainless steel.

She thought, ‘Who could’ve visited his office earlier? Could it be Madelynn? The reason she came to me in the first place was because she wanted me to abort this baby. Now that I’ve fulfilled her wish, wliy did she come here to tell Damien that I got an abortion?’

Madelynn was a brutal and two-faced person who could play both the good and bad cop.

Clarissa was no match for Madelynn’s deviousness. She knew Damien would choose to believe Madelynn, no matter what Clarissa said.

After all, Madelynn was his first love.

In the end, Clarissa smiled coldly. “Whatever I say is useless, anyway. Fine. Since you think I got an abortion for real, then let’s make it that way. Bye.”

“Stop!” Damien suppressed his rage the best he could.

He stood up from his chair and approached Clarissa angrily. He forced her against the door so that she had nowhere to run.


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