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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 235

Chapter 235 Fight It Out with Him

“Who are you texting? Your smile is creepy.” Matthew curiously reached out to snatch the phone. Quick in reaction, Owen locked the screen and put his phone away. He glanced at the man coldly and said, “Manners.” Matthew cocked his brows. “Hailey has removed you from the blacklist? You add her

on WhatsApp again?”

Owen pursed his lips and replied, “None of your business.” “You smiled like a nympho just now, and that’s a sign of love.” Matthew folded his arms on his chest and looked at Owen, “Given your situation,

don’t think you’ll date another woman. Man, you’re miserable. Having an ex-wife like Hailey. you can’t possibly fall in love again.” He put his hand on his forehead and mused, “What is that phrase? Oh right, no other waters could impress me for I’ve seen the vast seas.” Owen had enough of his nonsense and threw the car keys to him. “See yourself out.”

“Thanks, bro, I’m wait for you at home.” Matthew caught the keys, happily waved his hand, and left. This man was cheap. “No other waters could impress me for I’ve seen the vast seas.’ Owen gave a bitter

smile. That was true.

Jose knocked on the door, came in, and reported, “Mr. Moore, there is news from Poya. Father of Newman has signed the contract.” “Good.” Owen’s eyes lit up, “Get things ready. I’ll pick him up in person.” “Uh…” Jose added, “Ms. Newman has entrusted a person to escort the old man.

There are ten bodyguards, and they’ll take a private jet. According to them, we just need to receive him.” Owen stiffened and sat back down. The smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and he said slowly, “Okay.” Was she so reluctant to see him?

Hailey went to the hospital and handled the discharge procedures for her

grandfather. She took Jason back to the Garden of Rose and helped pack his things.

Holding a cigar, Jason cozily sat on the mahogany sofa. Hailey and Ava were packing the luggage for him. He felt blessed to have such sweet granddaughters. He had raised three sons, but none of them were helpful. They were not even as considerate as his granddaughters. “Grandpa, do you still want the old T-shirts?” Ava picked up two crumpled shirts. Jason blurted out, “Of course.” “They’ve crumpled up and should be thrown away.” Hailey folded several newly washed shirts and put them in the suitcase. Old people tended to be conservative. He had been used to wearing such clothes for decades. Old habits die hard. They had to respect his opinion. Jason said anxiously, “No, don’t throw them away. There are no holes or splits. They reasoned with their grandpa but failed to persuade him. For fear of upsetting him, Hailey gave in and told Ava to put those old clothes in the suitcase too. While they were packing. Eve slowly came out of her room and called out softly


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