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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 236

Chapter 236 Running Away from Home Again

A duel between the father and daughter almost happened at the Garden of Rose. Jason was sitting

cross-legged on the sola. The sight of a huffing Catherine and a livid Ryan amused him. It took him a long time

to understand the situation

Alter sitting Catherine down beside him, he said, “Girl, did you have a crush on Matthew? Your taste is not bad.”

“You also think so? Grandpa, your taste is good too!” Catherine finally found someone who understood her. In

excitement, she grabbed Jason’s hand. The cloud on her face cleared up instantly. To that, Ryan just snorted.

Although Jason had met Matthew just once, the latter had left him with a good impression. That kid is

good looking, funny, and easy-going. He is much better than that stone-faced, sanctimonious Moore kid.”

Catherine couldn’t agree more. “Absolutely!”

Hailey helplessly shook her head. “Good-looking? Do you think so?”

Jason glared at her and said, “Don’t try to defend Owen just yet. We’re talking about Matthew.” Hailey was speechless. When did she try to defend him? Ava listened on the sidelines and snickered. Her

grandpa was so cute.

“Yeah, Grandpa, let’s talk about Matthew. What else do you know about him? Tell me… Catherine also sat

cross-legged on the sofa, ready to have a good talk with the old man Ryan and Hailey looked at each other in dismay. They thought that Catherine would relent after making a scene.

Unexpectedly, the girl was more sophisticated and resourceful than they thought. She really ran away. Most of

the bodyguards at the gate were knocked out. Ryan was woken up in the middle of the night and fumed with rage. “Track her down through her phone. No one

can stop me this time. I will definitely break her legs.”

He needed to catch her first. Catherine was smart and aware that her father had bugged her phone, so she had

left without it. There was no way they could track her down.

Hailey had a headache, sending her men to intercept Catherine at the airport and the train station. However,

there were no signs of her. When it was dawn, Brook came to the Garden of Rose, laughing.

His laughter was creepy as if he was possessed. He was grinning, but it looked more terrible than crying. Hailey

and Ryan were sleepless all night. They looked over and narrowed their eyes.

Ava also hadn’t slept much. In her drowsiness, she was startled by Brook’s wild laughter. “Brook, what…

happened to you? “Hahaha… don’t mention it… hahaha, Catherine… hahaha, fed me a packet of pistachios… hahaha, and then I’m

like this..hahaha, hurry up, help me!”

Brook had been laughing all night. Now he was on the brink of having a mental breakdown.

At a glance, Hailey and Ryan understood what was going on. They quickly gave Brook the antidote and let him

swallow it. After a while, he finally stopped laughing. He survived it.

What the heck is in those pistachios? I laughed all night. My face is cramping.” Brook grumbled, rubbing his


“It’s Laughing Nation,” Hailey said blandly

“What is that?” Brook was confused,

“A kind of medicament that will stimulate your brain and makes you laugh like a crazy person. It was called


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