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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 279

Chapter 279 He Would Always Protect her

Looking up at his cold face, Eliza felt unsettled. “Are you going to meet him?” There was rising white smoke between them and she failed

to figure out his feeling through his eyes

He just answered in a low voice, “He hurt the woman I love. I must catch him.”

Eliza thought that he was going to do that for her, so she looked happy as well as a bit shy. “Actually, he hasn’t hurt me. It doesn’t matter.” “You just need to tell me where he is.”

Sensing the anger and coldness in his voice, she said in a daze, “I, I don’t know where he lives. I just know that recently he has lived in a

room in Sandom Club”

“What’s his room number?”

“880,” replied Eliza instantly.

As soon as Eliza finished speaking, Owen stood up. His face changed. Although he still looked cold, he was no longer the one who cared

about Eliza. “Lucas!” He shouted.

Lucas pushed the door open and said, “Got it. I am going there.”

Eliza was stunned. What are they doing? Isn’t Owen here to save me?”

Looking at the screen, Hailey said, “Brook!”

“I know what you are thinking. I am arranging for some people to get there.” He began to contact others. He knew that Eliza wouldn’t be

set free today and the emergency was to catch “Mr. Joe” in Sandom Club.

Hailey didn’t want to wait in the ward any longer. She stood up to change her clothes. But when she almost closed the laptop, she heard

Eliza shouting with disbelief, “Owie? Why are you leaving? Aren’t you here to save me? Don’t go, please ”

Owen looked back at her. There was no care or love in his eyes. He smiled faintly. “Thanks for your cooperation.” Then he strode out of

the room.

Now Eliza realized that it was all his acting and he had never planned to save her. All he did was to get Mr. Joe’s information from her.

And the woman he loved was not her, but Hailey. “Oh, no!” She couldn’t accept the truth and tried to run out of the room. But soon she

was caught by a cop. Struggling with all her strength, she yelled hysterically, “You are a liar. How could you lie to me? We have

experienced a lot together. How could you do that to me?”

Hailey closed the laptop slowly and it was quiet again. Recalling what happened in the interrogation room, she smiled. “Good acting.”

As soon as Brook asked the driver to start the car, Hailey got in. Brook looked at her in a panic. “Hey, why are you here?”

“I must go with you.” Putting a knife behind her waist, Hailey bent down to tighten her shoelaces. Her hair was tied up with a rubber band

and she looked neat and clean, ready for a fight.

Sizing her up, Brook said, “So you just left the ward without hesitation. Karl and Ryan would definitely punish you.”

“Oh, I guess they will beat you hard. But it doesn’t matter,” said Hailey, who raised her eyebrows at Brook and asked the driver to start the


Brook’s eyes widened. He doubt whether he had misheard her. “What? Beat me?”

“Yes. You know, they will never beat me.” She tilted her head for some stretches and then patted Brook’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. Karl and

Ryan will just scold me and I can appease them by turning the charm on them. You are the one who will receive the punishment. God


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