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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 280

Chapter 280 Getting Injured because of Her

Hailey couldn’t see everything clearly in the burning rays of the sun.

Seemingly, she heard a piercing buzz that exploded in her head. She could see nothing and hear nothing.

Blood flooded her eyes rapidly

“Hailey’ Hailey!”

“Come in! Let’s get out of here!”

When Ryan arrived, he helped to carry Owen from Hailey into the car.

When he turned around, there was no trace of Hailey.

A terrible scream resounded through the sky and the crowd looked over what happened.

They found that Hailey stamped on the murderer’s neck and stabbed her knife thoroughly into his palm, which attacked Owen with an iron


She wore a cruel expression and said coldly, “Who sends you?”

“Could you please not…”

A police officer wanted to stop her violence but was barred by Locas.

The lamp said nothing.

She pressed his neck with full strength while turning around her right hand little by little to punish him. This worsened his bloody wound.

Due to the extreme pain, that man fell to the ground nearly in a dead faint.

“Ah, ah, ah.”

He shouted so miserably that drew others’ pity.

However, Hailey did not soften at all and said one word, “speak!”

With drops of cold sweat on his forehead, he finally gave up,


A bullet hit the man right in the center of his head before he finished his sentence.

Hailey’s face was spilled with blood and her body was shaken out of the shoot.

She looked up and saw a residential building at a short distance.

Behind the glass window stood a man in black. Beside him, there laid a sniper.

The sniper still hold his gun and aimed at something.

It seemed that she was the next.

The man in black covered his face and eyes, wearing bread and a pair of glasses. What he exposed was his mouse, a smiling mouse. In a

flash, he vanished.

That murderer dead, knelled there with his eyes wide open.

Lucas responded rapidly and led his men to go to that building.

She would like to follow them. Yet, Brook controlled her.

“Miss, don’t go. Just get into the car!”

Being forced into the car, Hailey wanted to go out. At this moment, Ryan said in the passenger seat, “you can risk your own life. But, do

you want to put Owen’s life at risk?”

His words awakened Hailey, like pouring a gourd of cold water on her.

Anger engulfed her and nearly drove her to insane. She had no idea what she was doing but to pay revenge on that guy.

At present, was there anything more important than that?

What’s Owen’s condition?

When they arrived at the hospital, Owen was still faint. He was sent to do a CT.

Hailey wanted to follow the doctor but was stopped by Jared

“Where are you going? You’re not a doctor You must stay here!”

For the sake of her safety, they were anxious to take her back to the Poya and lock her up in the Garden of Rose. However, Owen was


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