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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 60

Chapter 060 Unite To Set Her Up The night passed quietly. When Eve woke up, the wound on her hand was still painful, and she cursed Hailey again, frowning. When she came downstairs lazily, Hailey and Ava were already having breakfast in the dining room downstairs. The two were chatting and laughing, looking extremely harmonious and friendly. Eve opened her eyes, stunned: what was the situation? Ava got Hailey in only one night? What did she miss? “Morning, ma’am.” Eve raised her voice to say hello, aggressively showing her existence. Hailey glanced at her lightly. Ava sat across from Hailey and greeted Eve

politely, “Morning, sister Eve.” “Good morning to you too.” Eve smiled and sat down beside Ava, looking at the faces of the two, and asked tentatively, “What are you talking about? What makes you so happy?” Hailey drank the porridge and said nothing.

Ava looked up at Hailey and said, “I was talking about my childhood. One year sister Hailey took us to pick persimmons from a neighbor’s orchard, and we were almost bitten by a dog. Fortunately, we ran fast.” “Hahahaha…/ remembered.” Eve laughed exaggeratedly, Hailey and Ava looked at her one after another, and the disgusting eyes made Eve instantly shut up. The originally harmonious atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Eve lowered her head and drank the porridge, thinking silently in her heart: It’s really right to bring Ava here. If this girl talked more about her childhood, which could recall Hailey’s annihilated humanity, she could slowly become numb.

Seeing that Eve shut up, Hailey and Ava continued to chat, “You are about to

graduate. Have you found an internship unit?” Ava said, “Not yet. I was planning to look for it when I received a call from sister Eve. I thought I hadn’t seen sister Hailey for a long time, so I came here without hesitation.” Eve hummed inwardly: What flattery. It seemed like what she said was real, and she acted even better than her.

However, Hailey liked it quite a bit and said with a light “um”, “Then I will arrange

for you to go to Newman Jewelry for an internship. You are studying jewelry design, and your major is just right.” Ava bit her lip timidly, “Can I do it?” “It’s okay.” Hailey had almost eaten just enough, wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and said slowly, “I have seen your design draft, you are creative, imaginative, and you are very talented. You are still young, and you will

be better with more experience.” “Awesome!” Ava nodded, “I’m willing to go. I can work for free.” Hailey smiled dotingly, “Silly kid, you work to earn money. Newman’s internship salary is not low. Just relax and study hard.” “Okay, thank you, sister!” Ava was very happy. She studied jewelry design just to be able to enter Newman Jewelry one day, have her own works, and be able to help sister Hailey. Eve listened on the side, she was jealous, and she hurriedly said, “Sister Hailey, I also want to work in Newman!” She had had this idea for a long time, but her father had not allowed her to enter, saying, “Girls are precious. Just wait at home to get married with peace of mind. Your biggest task is to get Luca Edwards. Working is too hard for you.” Of course, she wanted to marry Luca Edwards, but it didn’t conflict with her wanting to work. Her father kept saying that it was hard work, but she didn’t see how hard it was for him and the third uncle to eat, drink and play every day. “I’ll ask the cleaning department if it needs a cleaner and arrange it for you.” Hailey said lightly. Ava almost couldn’t hold back her laughter and drank her porridge with her head down. Eve’s pretty face flushed red, “I don’t want to go to the cleaning department! I want to go to Newman Jewelry!” “What can you do after entering? Can you design? Do you have any works?” Hailey asked three times, which made Eve speechless. She pursed her lips and began to bully Ava, “But Ava doesn’t have many design works. She’s a college student, and I have a year more social experience than her!” “Does your one year’s social experience refer to dating, shopping, and attending

various banquets and parties?” Hailey looked at her coldly, “Ava hasn’t graduated yet, but during her college years, she worked hard to study, went to many design companies to intern, and also participated in the national jewelry design competition and won the first prize.” Eve’s eyes widened in surprise, and Ava also looked up at Hailey in a daze, “How did sister Hailey know?” “Everything is available on the Internet. Just check it out.” Eve bit her lip and said defiantly, “If I can’t go to Newman Jewelry, then you can arrange for me to join Southern Star Entertainment. Although I don’t know

anything, I’m pretty, and I know quite a few artists.” “You’re talking about the little influencers named Mi Lu and others under Artistic Talent Entertainment. They have already quit the circle because they offended people. The entertainment industry is too complicated. Someone stupid like you can’t survive in it.” “What? They quit!” In addition to being shocked, Eve didn’t hear


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