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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 61

Chapter 061 1 Don’t Love You Anymore

On the other end of the phone, Matthew was still chattering. Hailey only felt inexplicable anger rising from the soles of his feet. Her chest was about to burst. She pinched the phone and said coldly, “Go to hell.” Then she hung up.

Ava was startled by the side, and seeing Hailey’s very ugly face, she asked worriedly, “Sister, what’s the matter?” Almost a second after hanging up the phone, the bell rang again, and the contact’s name was not displayed, but the string of numbers was more familiar to Hailey than the bank card password. Hailey held the phone with complicated emotions and felt that it was ridiculous.

If she remembered correctly, this was the first time that man had called her on his own initiative. She took a breath, calmed down, and pressed the answer. The moment the phone was placed in her ear, the man’s hoarse and low voice came over, “Hello.” He seemed to have just woken up, and the sound was a little distorted. Owen had slept all night in the car and had just woken up now. He wanted to call Hailey, but it was too late yesterday, and he feared disturbing her. He didn’t want to go to the hotel, but he wanted to see her early in the morning and make it clear to her as soon as possible. “Owen.” Hailey said his name slowly as if she had spent her life trying to suppress her temper, “Let’s talk.”

The door to the Garden of Rose slowly opened from both sides, and Hailey came out alone. The car door opened wide, and Owen sat inside, watching her come step by step. The distance between the two of them shortened little by little. Jose waited in front of the car and greeted Hailey respectfully, “Madame, good morning.” Hailey paused and glanced at him lightly, “Who the hell is your madame? Don’t mistake me.” Jose grinned sheepishly, “Please get in the car.”

Owen reached out to Hailey, trying to give her a hand, “Come up.” “Move inward.” Hailey didn’t need his support at all. Owen moved inward as she said, and Hailey got into the car and closed the door. In the Garden of Rose, Ava was standing in front of the flower bed, waiting for Hailey. Seeing her getting into the car, she was a little worried and asked Old K, “Will my sister be in danger?” Old K was a tough guy, staring solemnly in the direction not far away, and said solemnly, “Don’t be afraid. I have already arranged it. If Miss Hailey doesn’t get off the car, the car won’t be able to leave.” Ava nodded. Hailey just told her to wait for a little while and that she went to

meet a friend. But when she looked at sister Haitey’s face, she didn’t feel like she was going to meet friends, but rather like going to see old enemies.


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