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Love Magic: Two Different Hearts novel Chapter 10

Glen's POV

I look at them and spoke. "I'm Ace Walters' younger brother. Nice to meet you though I already introduced myself to you on the first day of class" I said like I want to be friends with them and they were all shocked by my change of personality.

(The truth is that as much as possible we need to gain more friends, not make more enemies than we already have) So I just smiled at them happily.

"So, you mean that your siblings and not a couple-" Antonette said in a surprised tone.

"Yup. He is practically my brother" my brother interjected while slinging his arm to my shoulders.

I just smile as I watch her stare at us in shock. I just chuckle and Ace remove his hands before walking towards Mark who is standing still looking confused.

"What is happening here? I think I'm missing something" I heard Mark whisper to my brother and my brother just shrug at him.

"I'll tell you later. Let's go we're going to be late, aren't we?" Ace said to Mark and they both started to walk away but before moving Ace turn around and look at me.

"Okay then I have to go to class now.... bro" Ace sarcastically said to me using what An-- whatever said and I chuckle at that.

"So... see you later... bro" I retorted back joining his scheme and they suddenly dashed away leaving us here.

I look at this group next to us and they are still frozen and disbelief were all written in their faces.

(I guess they never expected it to be like this and maybe they are still in the loading phase... we'll then better get out of this place as soon as possible)

"I guess we'll be going too" I slowly said to these frozen people while slowly walking away leaving them all dumbfounded.

I pulled Kaylee immediately when I saw that she is not planning to move at all like the others.

Though one of the boys I forgot his name just stare at me in blank. I just shrug it off and walk away as Kaylee tailed me.

We slowly turned around to check if they already fine. They were just staring at each other.

"Guess they haven't moved on... literally" I said to Kaylee in amusement as we both just continued to walk away.


When we were far enough from them, both of us give each other a pair of hive fives at the same time laughing.

"That was some freaking good show" Kaylee cheered in amusement.

"Yup... I had fun watching their faces" I said still chuckling while we went inside the building.

"I can't even believe that we did that. We never tried doing that act back then not until now" I said while looking at Kaylee.

"We made a fool of them again" Kaylee said while I was opening the door wide enough for us to enter the room.

"There faces were like this" I said while imitating those idoits facial expressions a while ago.


We entered our first class and its History of Magic. The classroom was still not full so the room is basically empty and vacant. I look at the chairs at the back and the usual chair we sat in yesterday was empty and unoccupied.

"Usual chair" I sang to her and she nods. We hurried up and started walking to get there before other could sit on it.

We reached it immediately and sat down then waited for the teacher to come in and for the class to start already.

"Oh, by the way we need to thank the teacher who saved us from those people yesterday" Kaylee said making me remember what happened yesterday and this morning at the same spot.

"Yup and the only thing we need to know is find who and where is she" I said looking at the window.

Then suddenly someone entered the room so I took a glance at it.

"Maybe it's the teacher..." I mutter but my hopes fall when I was staring at a group. It was a very familiar group indeed.

"What?... we have same class as them" I said in annoyance and disappointment while slumping on the table.

There Tobios and his group entered the room. Head on high and some of our classmates averted their eyes avoiding to look eye to eye at them.

But still some were gawking at them and staring at them in adoration or maybe even jealousy.

(I guess they really admire them in this school. Heck maybe even some will be jealous at them. Like fame, attention, autho-- hep stop Glen you don't have to state everything right) I scold myself.

Tobios looks at our direction and then look away while the girl beside him just roll her eyes at us.

(What was that look anyway... that was so very rude you know...damn you. Want me to rip your hea-- again Glen stop control yourself) I release a deep breath before looking at Kaylee who is now wearing the same expression as me a moment ago.

"Did she just roll her eyes?" Kaylee said now getting fired up making me hold her shoulders to make her stop.

"Just let it go Kaylee. You know that they would lose to you anyway" I said making her smirk.

"Yup you got that damn right" she said while letting it go like nothing had happen and we just sat there and wait for the class to start rolling.

(Sometimes you just have to let the stress go and not stretch it even more giving it more tension than it already has)

"Okay class please find a comfortable sit and sit down so that we could already begin and start the class" suddenly a person spoke. I look at the teacher's table and the teacher is already there holding a large book in her hand.

(Wait- How did- I didn't even noticed her coming in....) So just like that the teacher explained us how magic started and more about its history.

And blah blah blahblah blha...


I just listened to her the entire lecture since she told us a story that I am so fund of. It's a good story but it's a shame that the others didn't pay any attention or they didn't listen to the story heck did they even bother to look at her at all.

Even this girl beside me didn't even listened and was staring at her phone or should I say staring at some boys. But I'm different, I imagined it like it was true in my mind.

I nudge her to listen but she just ignored me. I sigh and went back to the story.

(I forgot not all people is fund of stories I guess they'd rather go out and have fun than stay here and listen to this amazing story)

And to tell you all the truth I am very fond of stories and more stories. My grandma always tells me one back then.


The story was so amazing and awesome. How our ancestors protected this place. Risked their lives to create a future we're we are all safe and protected.

How battle strategies helped them to win the war. War against the evil who wanted to destroy everything and conquer the world. Like how the elementals risked their powers to create this place.

Every time I hear this story it's always interesting and the trill is still there like I am reading or listening to it for the first time in my life.

But out of all the History stories that I have heard and read. There’s one story I favored and admired so much. It was the story which tells how this school was created which my grandma always tells me until now.

She told me that long ago there were originally two great schools in the city. The two schools were very competitive with each other and too powerful that they always fight and sometimes end up getting out of control.

The councils that time was so worried that the Two school might create a war so they came to a decision. A decision to unite the two schools and became one school. And that's where Mayhem Academy was created.

At first everyone was fighting until one day. An evil monster who eats magic infiltrated and attack the City. Chaos and fear came to all the citizens but they needed to fight so the council issued and ordered to all citizens to unite including the two schools to destroy the monster.

At first the two-school made it into a competition that whoever kills the monsters is the strongest school. So, they fought competitively until lots of them got injured because they fought each other rather than joining forces to fight the monster.

So, one student decided to stand up and made the two schools to unite by beating the powerful students of the two schools and made them unite at the end.

At the end they defeated the monster and they found out it was just their headmasters they were fighting. And that day they realized that working together is not a bad idea and could save them all from any evil that will come in the future.


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