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Love Magic: Two Different Hearts novel Chapter 12

Tobios' POV

(Now I already had enough. That was the last strike) That waking up scene pushed me to the limit making me want to snap someone's neck.

I was now glaring at him like a predator ready to devour his prey. Only inches away and I can grab him and toss him outside the window.

(Doesn't this boy know me, or maybe his just being naive) I thought while looking-- I mean glaring at him.

Then he did a wrong move and turn around to look at me making me glare at him even more than I already am. He immediately looks away and I can tell that his nervous.

"He better be" I mumble in the air with a hint of grin lingering in my lips.

I look at Sir Tanner and he is in front looking at me. I glared at him and he just ignored me. (That damn fucker... come here and I will wipe that smile on your face)

I tried to calm myself but failed, I'm really angry and pissed.

(I didn't get enough sleep last night because my father made me do training and now someone decided it was a good idea to disturb me from my sleep. I won’t let him get away this time...)

I glance at the clock and saw only a minute will pass and class will end. I smirk and look at the boy next to me.

"Your dead fucker. Better be ready cause no one will help you now" I mumble and look at him.

I look at the clock again and I smile wickedly.

Five... I prepared myself

Four... I clenched my fist

Three... I tried snapping my neck

Two... I crack my fingers

One... "What the..."

He immediately run to the door surprising all of us.

I was surprised for a moment before I immediately came back to my senses and stand up then followed him as fast as I can.

(I won't just let you go just like that)

Sir Tanner tried to stop me from running after that boy but I am way smarter. I passed him easily by dodging all of his grips.

"Piece of cake" I utter while moving forward to catch that fucker.

I look around and I spot him running to the cafeteria. (So, he is trying to hide by going to crowded places... ehh... not bad but- that won't help you...)

I used my power and I was able to catch his pace when suddenly the bell rings and he made a curve and run faster making me stop for a moment.

Suddenly lots of students started to enter the cafeteria.

(What the... he can run that fast) Then just like that, the hallways were now full of students so I stop using my power.

Everyone was looking at me confused but I saw some who is amused but I ignored them all and try to focus my eyes at finding that damn boy.

I saw him running towards the gymnasium so I smirk.

(I know this school better than you do. That's why you can't escape from me easily. No matter where you go, I would still find you)

I followed him while shoving students on the way and muttering move until I was free and I look again trying to spot him.

He was already near at the end of the hallway but I immediately use my power and created a wall of fire in front of him making him halt and stop.

He turns around and I smirk. "End of the line" I mumble. He tried to escape at the other side but I created again another wall trapping him.

Then I used my power and just like that in a blink of the eye I was already in front of him making him gasp in shock and step back.

An advantage of an elemental is that we could use teleportation. I didn't use this a while ago since I want to play with him.

I step forward and he step back. I repeat the same and he did the same.

"If I were you, I wouldn't step back again" I said and just like that he suddenly realized something making him turn around.

He was already near the wall of fire. He'll get burned if he makes another step.

He slowly turns around and face me. He was looking quite amusing, he was fidgeting and unable to talk.


Glen's POV

"Shit, I’m fucking dead this time. Heck his really angry this time. Arg what have I gotten myself into. Think brain of an escape plan. We need to escape or else were fucked up" I thought to myself while looking at the clock.

(Shit only few minutes left and I'm dead. What to do.... what to do come on.... think...)

Cold sweats are already forming on my forehead and it's slowly dripping down traveling to my checks.

Suddenly I saw the door wide open making me think of something. Just like in the cartoon show that I have watch, an imaginary bulb appeared on top of my head lighted up in an instant.

"You're a genius Glen, way to go" I mumble while staring at the door.

"But can we make a run for --"

"Of course, we can because if we can’t will be dead meat here and it is over for us" I scolded myself and fixed myself.

"But the teacher is here. He would stop him in an instant..."

"Heck... does he even care about the teacher. Look at him!"

I slowly glance at him and I immediately tense up. He was looking at the clock while massaging his hands. I unconsciously gulp and shiver from that.

"See... I told you. The teacher is nothing"

I immediately turn around and look in front so that I won’t be caught. I then took a deep breath before looking at the wall clock again.

"Okay then whatever happens...." I took a deep sigh.

Five... I prepared myself

Four... fix the strap of my bag and hold unto it.

Three... twitch my shoes to see if it is flexible enough to run

Two... no matter what happens

One... fuck screw it all and run

I immediately jump out of my chair and run like my life depends on it.

(Whatever happens...... just fucking run and never look back...)

I made a run to whatever place my feet would take me hoping that I would loss him from the chase and bam I'm free.

But that didn't happened and looks like luck is not with me this time since I can hear him shouting and cursing loudly while following me.

Fuck lets speed up even more or else will be dead.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I was practically screaming inside of my head as I ran.


"Damn why am I even screaming about nails, hammer and whatsoever, damn this is really killing me" I ranted while turning to the next hallway.

But the truth is that I don't like this situation because deep down inside me is that I'm anticipating for this scenery to come and happen. Thus, making my blood pump up and a smile formed in my lips turn into a smirk.


"Heck I don’t even know where am I " I mumble while scanning the place.

I nearly tripped when I was turning into the other corner but thank goodness that my speed changed making me easily maneuvered myself so I won’t fall down.

"Damn is he finally gone" I mumble and look at the glass window and my face paled.

"Damn he sure is persistent" I chuckled for a moment and look back again only to see him.

"What, why is he still chasing me. Damn aren’t he tired from running. Because damn, I am" I mumble then slowly I can hear my self already panting hard.

"Hugh.... hugh..... hugh.... argh.... damn it" shit my knees are already giving up, damn.

"Can’t someone help me or someone stop him" I mumble and look at anyone for help but they only look a away and clear a path for me.

"Damn this good for nothing students. They are too kind to clear a path for me" I mumble while still running for my dear life.

"Oh, come on already won’t you stop chasing after me already" I mumble until a fire wall suddenly appeared just ahead of me making me slow down until I stopped.

"Shit I’m doomed. I forgot that he's friends with fire" I joke while trying to calm myself as I stare at it.

I then tried to escape from the other side but then another wall was created making me have nowhere else to run too and only on the window.

I contemplated on jumping out of the window but that was a crazy idea and I'm not ready to die immediately heck moreover kill myself, I'm not that desperate you know.


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