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Love Magic: Two Different Hearts novel Chapter 22

Tobios' POV

I've been busy for the past seconds planning something to give this boy who is in front of me a payback for what he has been doing to me.

(Don't try to think of dirty things since that feels bad man)

(Playing tricks and pranks on me. Who does he think he really is and it's starting to annoy me? And that kiss-- FUCK... I'LL THAT FACE OF HIS) I clenched my fist again while resisting to punch this fucker because of that.

"Let's see if you could run this time" I mumble before looking away. My hands are already itching to fight this guy again.

Besides I am really intrigued with the sword that he used back then. It didn't even get damaged when he fought with me since I usually destroy the weapons of my past fights. If not totally destroyed but at least I made a huge damage in it.

"What is that weapon really made of? I haven't seen anything like that well every weapon is customized depending on the owner" I mumble while looking at his back.

"I never thought that I could meet a weapon wielder that could stand against me" I said while looking away.

I got bored and made a butterfly out of fire and made it fly around me. I played with it and it made trails of fire as it flies around then made it rest on my palm.

Then I made it disappear in the air like it was nothing. No traces left behind and then it only vanished in the end. It gave joy a bit for a moment then disappears after.

(Sometimes not all beautiful things could last forever)

I look at the boy in front of me then glared at him. (Now as for you and all of your pranks and funs will be over once I will get my hands on you today)

A smirk crept on my face when I look at him. (I'll get my revenge also so better prepare yourself and just enjoy the moment of this joy but I'll promise that I will beat the shit out of you. I'll also make that weapon of yours to be a little bit damage that you can't use it anymore)

I was so deep in thoughts of thinking of how to beat the shit out of this that I forgot that my father came in.

I suddenly snap back into reality when I heard everyone gasp and someone spoke making me got curios and look in front.

There was a girl standing in front of the class. She was looking at me so I look at her intensely making her averted her eyes.

But then she just pouts and I ignored her and look at this guy in front of me.

"I don't believe you, water powers are already extinct a long time ago" a girl from my history class said.

(She is good and I think that he hates the guts of this guy because he always talks before her in class. It was kind of fun by the way since it always looks like they are having a game who gets to answer most questions of the teacher. This boy can't even feel that she is already wanting to kill him and instead just answer the question innocently)

"She is a water elemental and we have proven that" my father said making me look at him and she was looking at the girl.

I was surprised since I agree with the girl also.

"I think maybe she is a fake" I mumble in boredom.

I saw lots of people claiming to be able to use water moreover be the water elemental.

(Is my father still finding the person who could be a water elemental?)

"Damn this day is really full of surprises and more" I thought while looking shocked. I also glance at this boy in front of me and he was frozen while looking at the girl.

"I bet he is also shocked" I whisper while looking at him.

"But headmaster all the water powers are-" she snickers but stopped when a show was in front of us.

Everyone gasps while looking at the floating water. I was also surprised while looking at her but I immediately change my expression into a bored one.

(I thought they were all gone like what the girl said a while ago. The water elemental vanished years ago and now suddenly a person came and claimed to be one. But still let's see how strong this girl can be. Elementals are powerful so let see if she really is one)

I look at the girl and she was smirking. I just look at her in amusement while looking at the water.

"So does this answer your question" she said making me look at the expression of the girl who asked her.

The girl was frozen and can't even move and her expression was priceless.

"I guess that's enough Ms. Margaret. So I'll leave him with you Mr. Tanner" the old man said before walking out of the room but before getting out he turns around and look at me.

"Meet me at the office after class" I hear my father said in my mind before disappearing.

I groan and glare at the door where he walks out. (What does he want me to do this time?)

I suddenly felt someone looking at me so I look at my side and saw him staring at me.

I saw him looking at me in confusion so I glared at him also. (I'm still pissed by you)

He gulps and immediately turn around. I slowly look away ang groan before slumping on the table and ignored everyone around me.


I was fixing my stuffs ready to go see my old man when suddenly someone is in front of me.

"So I guess you’re the fire elemental" someone said making me raise my head to face the person.

It was the girl a while ago who made a show to everyone. I just give her a bored expression and continue to fix my stuffs.

"Powers like yours are already extinct. How did you get yours" I said while standing up and putting my bag on my shoulders.

"Oh I just woke up and found out I could use this power" she said making me look at him half interested.

"Then it will be good if I could have you as a pair in combat. Elemental vs elemental" I said to her and she smiled.

"Then let us fight if get a chance" she smiled and I smiled boredly at her.

Suddenly someone grabs my hand and I look at who is it.

"Oh Antonette, your finished already" I mutter before looking at the door. Where I saw the two idiots standing.

(Idiots....) I mumble and realize something so I immediately look at the chair in front of me and it was already empty.

(Damn I thought that I could get him this time. I got bothered by this girl and what my old man said.... I should have gotten my revenge and challenge him again)

"I already saw him running to the cafeteria" Ane said making me groan in annoyance.


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