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Love Magic: Two Different Hearts novel Chapter 25

Kaylee's POV

I am kind of still pissed at Glen about that memory he made remember so I was glaring at him when he was not looking at us.

Back then when that happened, I was so scared when they started hitting each other. And that they were really fighting and what is more disturbing is that he was just there watching in satisfaction.

(Thank goodness our powers were not fully developed there or else disaster would have happened to that family day)

I was so mad at him so I made Ema join me in our little drama only to find out that he will still win at the end.

I was angry a while ago but now I was so worried for him since he stumbled with Tobios again and I think Tobios is really mad since he was glaring down at Glen.

Glen is now facing Tobios while Tobios is glaring at him.

We were all silent and nobody dared to talk and speak. Everyone was waiting what will happen next and they were all really quiet to the point that everyone stopped eating and just waited for the tension to disappear so that they can continue what they are doing.

"I'm... I'm sorry-- I mean t--hank you" Glen stutters while stepping backwards and Tobios just towered Glen as he came near him.

(Shit now what's going to happen?) I asked myself as I saw Glen trying to get away from him. I was nervous and worried what might happen in the next couple of minutes.

"What do you think this is a playground for you to play with" Tobios said in a cold and threatening tone making us flinch and cutting the tension in the room.

"I'm really sorry I didn't notice you back there it was just an accident" Glen tried to reason out while calming him down.

"Yeah it was just an accident" I agreed while looking at Glen then Tobios look at-- I mean glare at me. (And to tell you his glares were dangerous and cold. Well that kinds of unexpected since he is a fire elemental)

Glen also turned around looking at me like I've lost my mind. (I can't let you to be hurt just like that you now) I give him a look too and he understood making me sigh in determination.

I then look at Tonios and gulp then swallowed all the nervousness in my body down to my stomach.

"It was really an accident" I said in bravery while praying that he won't do something bad to me or to Glean and Ema. (I think I'm going to be doomed now)

"Well if it isn't the people who always try to make a fight with us" I hear a familiar voice said.

I glace at my side and saw Antonette standing while her hands are on his hips.

I just ignored her remarks and look at Glen who is now near us also. Then just like that the rest of the students continued what they are doing but still some looked at us. Watching what will happen next.

Glen suddenly raise his hands in the air getting all of our attention directed to him.

"It was just an accident guys. Really, we were just going to get food. And we are not looking for a fight against you" he said trying to calm them.

"We are just going to get our food like everybody else. I bump with you in an accident and I'm really sorry about that" he continued.

"You think that I would just let you go that easily after your shenanigans" Tobios said while looking at Glen and I immediately knew what is going to happen next.

Tobios just look at him then to the whole room. (Shit what's he going to to.. don't tell me-)

"Well can’t you just let us go" Glen said and I hear Tobios groan in disagreement.

"No way" he said then glares at Glen.

I look at Glen and he was surprised and immediately he calmed down and look at Tobios not in fear be in excitement. (He looks rather amused and challenged that scared)

I shake my head in realization while looking at him. (What am I thinking Glen loves dangerous things more than anything)

I relax myself trying to calm my body then I look at Ema and she was looking at me with a confused look so I just nod my head at her.

"I think you need to stay back first on this one" I told her making her eyes went wide in realization.

She tried to protest and wants to talk but I raise my hand in assurance.

"It's better for us not to let you involve in this one" I said and still you can see that she is protesting but I smiled at her making her stop protesting and sigh before stepping back.

(Thank you for the concern Ema but we don't want you to get in trouble also. Us is already enough since besides you were not involved in here in the beginning)

I then look in front and saw both Tobios and Antonette smirking but I prefer the amused look Glen is giving Tobios.

"I think that they are really serious about this" Glen whispered near me and I look at him in disbelief.

"You still think" I said and he chuckled making ma frown at him.

"This is going to be fun" Glen mumble only for me to hear making me sigh again.

(Come on why do we always get in trouble with this group can't they just really let it go) I thought while looking at the two opponents.

Then you can't deny the excitement in that tone of his. I glance at him and he was smiling while looking at them. That smile shocked me making eye him in disbelief.

I shake my head again in realization before I sigh in amusement. Then I look at the two who are now ready for a fight.

(I guess things do never change when you’re with this idiot) I thought while looking away.


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