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Love Magic: Two Different Hearts novel Chapter 31

Glen's POV

I immediately opened the door and I was shocked of what I saw. Dark smokes filled the outside of the room making me jump back and stare at it.

"WHAT THE--" I said in shock while looking at the dark fog covering the door. It feels like a door to another world if you know what I mean.

"GLEN MOVE BACK" Sir Tanner shouted and then suddenly appear in front of me and push me back as he assessed the situation that we're in.

"STAY BACK AND GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR" Sir Tanner shouted again before pulling me back away further from the door.

(What the.. WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING NOW) I immediately screamed in my head while looking at Sir Tanner who is facing me back looking at the fog.

He immediately close the door shut when he saw that the fog is slowly getting inside of the room.

"Both of you stay away from the door and the windows" Sir Tanner warned while going near the window and shut it close too.

I suddenly remembered that Kaylee is just outside this room. I panicked and immediately stare at the door.

"Wait-- KAYLEE IS JUST OUT OF THIS ROOM WE NEED TO HELP HER" I shouted and they both looked at me before looking at each other and sigh.

"We need to wait here until the help arrives. I already contacted the security of the school" Sir Tanner said while looking at me and then he looked at his phone again.

"But we need to help her" I insisted but they look away and ignore me.

I look at Tobios and he was doing the same.

(Could someone tell me what is happening here... it's just a damn dark smoke)

"Why are you just standing still the door is just there and she is just outside. We can just pull her back here from the smoke, right. She might be suffocating outside the door" I protested innocently while looking at them both who looked at me in confusion.

"Tell me, you don't know that kind of smoke do you" Tobios was the one who spoke first making me at him.

"Did something burn outside" I simply said while looking at him in confusion and he just looked at me in disbelief.

"Damn I never thought that you are so freaking dumb" he said in disbelief making me look at him in confusion.

(What is he talking about? Isn't it just a smoke coming from something that was burnt? Why are they getting worked up-- or else it was not just a simple smoke) I thought while looking at him who looks at me like I have figured it out.

"Don't tell me-- no it can't be" I said in disbelief and shock when I suddenly remember what these kinds of smokes are. And there is a feeling that an aura around it feels somewhat familiar for me but I can't figure it out.

I turn around and look at the smokes blocking leaking from the door. The aura of the smoke is too familiar for me.

Like I've seen it somewhere else but I can't tell where I saw it... and I still refuse to believe what is in my mind.

I turn around and went near Sir Tanner who is looking at us.

"What the heck is that. Sir tell me what is happening here.... please Kaylee is there outside" I said a worry while making him look at me.

"Please Sir tell me that his lying and just messing with me" I said desperately while looking at Sir who looked at me in sympathy.

Sir Tanner looked at Tobios before looking back at me.

"I think you need to calm down first" he said and I suddenly got mad.

"NO, YOU NEED TO TELL M--" I suddenly realize what I was doing.

"I-- I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you" I said immediately while looking at Sir Tanner apologetically.

(I think I'm losing it already)

I tried to tell myself that what I think is not true and that is just a normal smoke out there.

Suddenly Sir Tanner put his hands on my shoulder and I got shocked and frozen still when I heard him spoke the words that I force not to believe.

"It's the Smoke of the Dark Abyss" he said making my whole system stop and my body suddenly felt weak making me fall on the ground.

Sir Tanner immediately tried to help me calm down when I was on the floor.

"Just keep breathing and keep it steady" he said trying to comfort me but I just stay still for a moment and I felt like the something is nor right.

(Wha..... what.... is really happening? Something feels not right)

Then something immediately came to my mind and I turn around and glare at Tobios who is looking at me in shock.

I immediately stand up and went near me. Sir Tanner tried to hold my arm but I was fast enough and escape his grip.

"Thi... this is a joke.... your joking right. You’re just having your revenge on us aren't you" I said in anger while getting close to him.

"Is this one of your tricks? Then you won so just let her go already. The girl a while ago went out and probably, she is just creating an illusion at the door" I continued to rant while looking at him.

(Kaylee can't possibly have been trapped in tha... this must be just a trick that they pull to have their revenge on us) I was still looking at Tobios and he was taken aback by my outburst and glared at me.

"WHAT THE HECK. ARE YOU TRYING TO BLAME ME?" he shouted in anger and I kept my guard and never back down.


"Are you losing it already--" he tried to chuckle and look at me like I've lost it already.

"I AM ALREADY LOSING IT SO JUST STOP THIS AND LET ME SEE HER. IF YOU WANT YOUR REVENGE THEN THROW IT AT ME AND LET HER GO" I shouted and tried to punch him in the face but he immediately dodged and grip my arm before looking at me in a deadly manner.

He is slowly starting to use his power and my arm is starting to fell hot making me flinch at the impact.

"THAT'S ENOUGH AND STOP IT ALREADY" I hear Sir Tanner shouted at us and still I was looking at Tobios. We were both looking eye to eye trying to see what he will do next.

He then slowly moves his face closer to me. I was frozen and I didn't move since he grip on my arm really hurts.

He then came near my right side of my face close to my ear before whispering something.

"If I wanted to have my revenge do you think you could survive until now..." he said in a threatening tone making me flinch in fear.

He was as emitting a dangerous aura making me shiver in fear.

But an emotion called anger, fired up my system making me have the strength to push him away from me and sway his hand that is gripping my arm.

I ignored the pain in my arm and glared at him which caught him in surprised.

"PISS OFF" I bicker and he glared at me while trying to clench his fist.

I then challenged him to hit me but he then looks away and then I look at the door where a saw Sir Tanner observing the smoke at the door.

It was trying to enter the room so he tried to used magic but then an electric shocked hit him and he was suddenly thrown back away from the from the door.


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