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Love Magic: Two Different Hearts novel Chapter 46

Glen's POV

I was walking to class when suddenly a group of students appeared out of nowhere and stopped me from going to my class.

I looked at them in confusion as they all looked at me with angry eyes making me think that maybe I just got in the wrong place.

I immediately give them way and walk on the right. (I guess they might be not in good mood or something I guess) I thought while started to walk to the side and give them way but suddenly two of them immediately stand in front of me making me halt again and stare at them in confusion before I understand what is happening.

(They are here for me) I though and look at them.

(Is this one of his tricks or that girl's— though I think that it's the latter? He might not be the one who ordered them since that’s just saying he's a coward) I eyed every one of them and I just stand and give them a bored look.

"Excuse me can I pass I have a class in few to attend to" I just said in a calm manner since I don't want to fight today.

(We just had that attack and still here they are starting to make a fight inside the school. For magic's sake some students have died few days ago, can't they give them even the little bit respect that they deserve and let this whole year be peaceful) I thought while getting irritated and angry but I need to calm down.

I bow a little and tried to pass them but it looks like they are not letting me go since suddenly I was held back down by two boys at my back making get startled in surprise.

"Not so fast kid. You are not going anywhere until I say so" a voice said making me look at the owner and saw that it was a girl.

(She is beautiful I'd say because she has those curly hairs and I bet if either my brother or Mark sees this girl they might drool but that's not gonna work for me though. And it's a pity if you have that beauty but also have a despicable personality) I want to tell that to her but I decided not too since this type of girls are the once, I hate to recommend to my brother also.

"What is the meaning of this? What's going on here? Can we just--" I asked them and she smirks at me.

"Well I was just going to see the person that Tobios carried at the infirmary twice in a row" she said emphasizing the word twice.

(So she was here just because of that... how silly she is) I shake my head in disappointment before I look at her in disbelief.

"Then here I am and you already saw me. Can you tell your men to let me go since I really have a class to attend to? It would start in a few minutes and I would really appreciate it if you tell your men to let me go" I said to her as calm and friendly as I could.

But suddenly both the boys at my back tighten their hold making me flinch in pain.

"Hey that hurts" I barked at them and they just chuckle in amusement making me glare at them.

I was glaring at them and I even tried to wiggle myself out and try to lose their grip but to my disappointment they didn't even budge so I give up and just look at the girl who is their leader.

"What do you want from me? My hand hurts you know" I said and looked at her. She was taken aback but then smirk and look at me.

"Well I guess you probably know it already why am I doing this" she said and I looked at her in anger.

"If you are just faking and wanting to get his attention then stop already since HE IS MINE SO FUCK OFF YOU HOME" she said and I looked at him surprise.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT" I shouted at her since I was so surprised about what she is talking about.

She then immediately grabs my cheeks and I tried to wiggle my escape but the two at my back are really strong that they held me down.

"Listen to me homo. Don't even think about it" she seriously said while forcing me to look at her eye to eye and I glared at her.

(WHAT THE..... he can have that guy all to himself and I don't fucking care at all. We both hate each other's guts and maybe Sir Tanner just made him carry me) I thought while looking at her and she then let go of my face.

"We hate each other's guts and Sir Tanner was the one who made him carry me to the infirmary" I reasoned out and glare at her while still trying to escape their grip.

"Fuck.... Let go of me" I roared and she let's go of my face and I glared at her even more before I turn to glare at the people at my back.

"Damn this one is feisty" the other boy said and I immediately got disgusted at the way that he looks at me making me snap at him.

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS-OFF ME" I shouted at him and he just looks at me in amusement.

"Do your job" the girl sways and I immediately look at her and she was nodding at the guys behind me.

I froze when I suddenly felt that someone is touching my butt making me shiver in fear. I looked around and saw that the other students are just looking at me.

I tried to shout but suddenly my voice won't come out.

(Hey what are do they think they are doing. Why aren't the other students helping me? Is this one of their pranks? This is already insane this is out of hand) I thought while looking at the floor since I was bowing my head in disappointment and disbelief.

"Do you like it when I touch you here?" I hear that guy said and touch my butt again. And just like what I felt a while ago I suddenly felt disgusted and now, I'm angry even more.

I don't want to fight them and make a mess today since I am trying to pay my respect to the students who had died that attack but if they would really be doing this, tainting this ceremony of me then I need to teach them a lesson.

I grin my teeth and then look at the girl in anger and I saw her flinch before she masked it with an amused smirk.

"What are you going to do eh?" she challenged and I looked at her in anger even more.

"If you want to fight with me then just say so and don't make any tricks like this, coward" I tried to say and since someone made my voice gone it only came like I was mouthing something at her.

They begin to laugh at me and talk to each other.

I was still anger but I calmed myself down and took a deep breath before I look at her again but this time, I gave her a deadly look making the two girls behind her back off.

"Don't look at me like that homo" she said in disgust and I just continued to look at her and I think that it made her uncomfortable since she was about to hit me when I suddenly felt that someone is caressing my legs making me immediately wiggle stronger like never before and I slam the other guy on the wall so hard that he was immediately knocked down in a second.

They were all gasping in surprise and I look back and saw that the guy was already unconscious and the other one was looking at me in fear.

(These people are all really getting on my nerves. Didn't I say that stop touching me. Wasn't I clear when I said that don't touch me) I thought while looking at the poor guy.

"Didn't— oh it's back" I was surprised that my voice is back and I can finally talk so I smiled while turning my gaze to the other guy and sigh in frustration. "—I told you not to touch me, didn't I. I was clear when I said it didn't I?" I said in annoyance while looking at the poor guy who is unconscious.

I then look at my wrist and saw that it turned a little bit red and I massage it to ease the pain while looking at the other side.

"That—really hurt you know" I said in anger while looking at the unconscious boy. I then look at the other boy who is in the floor just beside me and I immediately didn't spare him and I slam my foot beside his leg to scare him away and he immediately screamed in fear.


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