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Love Magic: Two Different Hearts novel Chapter 60

Ace's POV

"Are you sure that you want to practice with your brother? Didn't you say that he is weak?" I hear Mark said making me look at him as we change our clothes for combat.

"I am not also sure about that, since remember the incident that he insisted that he fought with Tobios" I told him honestly and he just then looks away and kind of in deep thoughts.

"Well if you say so, we can just confirm it ones we fight with him" he simply said while putting his clothes in his bag.

I then finish changing too and then I motioned him to follow me.

(By the way I'm really interested to beat the shit out of that damn kid because I want to have my revenge for all the troubles that he had cause me and all the worries that I have felt when he always do something outrageous and whether he suddenly became stronger or still the same. I will still beat him... maybe just a little wouldn't hurt) I thought while grinning as we went down the basement.

(Oh I forgot to tell you that we have a training area at our house and it was pretty much the whole basement. Some equipment is also here that is involve in fighting and making your body fit and I always go down here to have some training and for time to time I invite Mark here. And if you are asking Glen and I don't go down here together, we pretty much do our training privately so this will be the first time that we will be both here together and even more, spar together in a combat) I thought while going down the stairs and I saw my mom.

"Oh, mom you're already home?" I ask my mother who is in the kitchen doing something.

"Yup, I finished my shift earlier than what I have expected and by the way I saw you entered a while ago" she said while pouring herself a cup of water and I look at her in shock.

"Sorry I didn't notice you" I apologize and saw her smile at me before looking at my side.

"Oh, Mark you're here" she said when she saw Mark behind me.

"Hello aunty" he said while smiling making mom smile at him too.

"Your mother is really—augh" I nudge his side and he groan in pain.

"Stop already and don't even start" I glared at him when I saw mom turn around.

He just smiles at me making me raise my hands to hit him but he immediately blocks it with his arms.

"I'm just joking. Tsk.... you're too serious about it" he whispered nervously and I don't care.

"Joking my ass" I whispered and slap his side when suddenly I saw mom turned around making me fix myself like I was pushing him.

Mom gave me a confused look and I just chuckle and then grip on Mark's shoulders and he laughed too.

"Mom we're going to have some training at the basement" I told her since she was already starting to get suspicious.

I then push Mark and then followed after him.

"Okay then I will bring down some snacks later" she said and I nod my head at her.

"Sounds good" I told her before we went down the basement.

"You sure really want me to beat you, ehh" I taunted him when we are already out of mom's sight.

"What—I am just admiring your mom" he said and I look at him in disgust.

(What the fuck is this idiot thinking—that is my mom?) I glared at him in disbelief and he just smile that is pissing me off.

"What me to call my dad to beat the shit out of—"

"Hey man—I was just messing with you" he said immediately when I threatened him.

"Want to admire my hand?" I told him while showing my fist and he just pull away.

"Nope I'd rather wait for your brother and admire his fist than you" he told me and I got ticked making me snap and look at him.

"COME HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I shouted and chased him since he was faster to dodge my fist and run away from me.

"Your brother is sure taking his time" I hear Mark said and I chuckle at him.

"Why excited to see him in combat clothes?" I tease him and he pushes me jokingly.

"Nope I want to see his fist" he said and I glared at him.

"Come on and don't joke like that or else someone might think the other way around" he scolded me and I just smirk and went back at laughing at him.

"Fine" I told him as we both reached the training room.

"Don't fine me because that is your brother you idiot. I bet that if someone would take him away, I bet that you would—"

"Say one more word and I will toss you down and then beat the shit out of you" I said in annoyance since what he is telling is true.

"See I told you, you would get this worked up" he tease and I just groan in annoyance while shoving him away from me.

He chuckles and I just glare at him now starting to get pissed and then we started to have some stretching first so that our muscles won't be shocked if we do combat immediately and we might rip some muscle and that is a pain in the neck to deal with.

"But honestly Ace you know that someone might take him away one d—" my hands twitch and I suddenly grab the near slipper lying on the floor and throw it to him.

"Bullseye" I cheered when I saw it hit his freaking head making him stop talking and glared at me.

"Are you still going to talk about that?" I dared him and I think that he kinds of get the aura that I'm giving off since he suddenly decides to drop it.

"I was just joking man no need to get physical" he said while raising his hands in defeat as he was chuckling nervously.

Chapter 60: Brother Complex 1

Chapter 60: Brother Complex 2


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