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Love Magic: Two Different Hearts novel Chapter 8

Glen's POV

"YOU DID WHAT..." my brother shouted and hit the brakes making both Kaylee and me to be thrown a little bit forward earning us with groans and ouches.

We decided to tell him what happened a while ago when we were waiting for him.

"What the..." Kaylee curse while flying forward before we both groan.

"Do you want to kill us all?" I scowled at him.

(Thank goodness I wore the seatbelt or else I might be flying out of the car... so kids better wear your seatbelt since you never know what might happened.... they say lots of people were saved by seatbelts during car accidents... so better wear them okay)

Though sorry for Kaylee. I don't mean to exaggerate but she flew and bump her head on the back of the shotgun. And now she's on the floor groaning and cursing.

(So, I will repeat lesson learned, always wear your seatbelts. So, remember to wear a seat belt or else you'll be like Kaylee at the back who is on the floor groaning while cursing)

I look at her in the rear-view mirror and she was angry while fixing herself. I can't help but resist to laugh and to tell the truth if it weren't for the disappointed expression of Ace and an angry Kaylee, I would sure be laughing so hard.

"Oh, sorry about that I got carried away" he said and hit the gas again.

"But still you did quite outsmart them" he said amused and I just smirk.

"What do you think of us? LOSERS" I hear Kaylee said at the back so I turn around and give her a high-five.

"Yeah. Do they think that they can just bully us easy as that? NO WAY" I stated making us both giggle in amusement.

"But still you should have called me immediately when they came" he said making us both look at him in boredom.

Both me and Kaylee look at each other before I look at my dear brother.

"Seriously Ace what did you think we were doing for the past hours? Just sitting beside your damn car. NO! We were texting you and were nearly getting annoyed and bored waiting for you to come" I said and he looks taken a back, guilty perhaps.

"Yeah I messaged you a thousand times and I even called you. Both of us texted and called you for like million times already" Kaylee said and my brother is fidgeting at his seat.

"Yup though... thanks to them we got entertained while waiting for you-- well we haven't had fun enough so--"

I look at Kaylee and we both give Ace a one happy and sweet smile that we could ever master.

(It's payback time idiot you think we'll just let this go. No fucking way... just like they say you reap what you sow)

"We'll Ace-" I trailed off while grinning and I notice that he was sweating and fidgeting in his seat.

"Glen.... You- you know that I hate that smile right" he said nervously and I just smiled at him even more.

"Glen...." he said while I look at Kaylee.

"It is you fault in the first place. You came too late and they nearly hurt us bad" Kaylee said and then we chuckled.

"Seriously... guys what are you planning now" he said while scooting over away from me.

"Kaylee you know what to do" I simply stated and the car went the other road.

"Fuck. Stay. Away. From. Me" he shouted making me just smile as Kaylee use her trick to make the car move to his desire and Ace has can't stop it.


Both me and Kaylee are now enjoying while eating what we bought at the near fast food chain.

I was munching on the fries that I made him buy and Kaylee was eating her burger too. And the rest that were on our laps were mostly chips and soda.

I looked at Ace and he was sulking at the corner while eating his share of food.

"Oh.... please Ace stop sulking we only manage to spend a few" I said and he glared at me.

"-maybe a little.... but can't you just think of this as treating your little brother and cousin on their first day of school" I said smiling at him.

He ate his food in silence then he suddenly sighed and then smiled though not that wide and give me a hug which surprised me since I thought that I still need to persuade him more.

"Fine... I also feel guilty not coming on time" he said and then suddenly Kaylee spoke out of the blue.

"Keep using those words and maybe someone might think it's something more than you know" she said while staring at the both of us.

We both look at each other before we suddenly push each other.

"Hep.... your thoughts" I said when I suddenly realizing what she said.

"Oh, come on" she stated while rolling her eyes.

Then we busted laughing making the other people turn around and look at us. We just ignored them and finished our food before going back to the car.

I grab the chips and Kaylee took the others. (We sure did make him buy too much... but nevertheless since we can eat that in just a few minutes)


"By the way Ace if I may ask..." I said looking at Ace. He didn't face me and just nod because he was looking at the road.

(We don't want to die and crash you know. I'm still too young to die)

"-do you know them" I curiously said. He just glace at me then back to the road again.

"Yes, but not that much... and why do you want to know?" he replied.

(Yeah why do I want to know?) And Kaylee answered that for me.

"Of course, so that we could know who did we mess with? Geez... so lame" she said while smiling.

"Okay, fine. But this is the only thing I know about them" he looks at me then to Kaylee then to the road.

"They are all quite famous at the school-" (I can see that. Most students know them and they stand out that much giving an aura which is says authority or something like that)

"-the last time I heard about them was that they were the children of the known people--"

"You already told us that" Kaylee cut him but he just ignored her and he continued his speech.

"--like the headmaster of the school--"

"T--HE HEAD--MASTER" I and Kaylee shouted immediately cutting him off again.

"Do you want to listen or I'll just stop-"

"NO" again we both shouted in unison.

"I thought so... by the way is these a choir or something huh" he said and focus his eyes on the road again.

"Geez... no need to feel grumpy" I mumble.

"Are you trying to say something?" he snickers and I shrug immediately.

"No, nothing. I didn't say anything. Kaylee did a I say anything?" I reason out while asking Kaylee. (He didn't hear it but still I can't believe him)

"Nope. I didn't hear anything" she said helping me while popping the p. Ace just shrug and continued talking.

"As I was saying. The headmaster, one of the councils, and the rest are warriors of the city" he finished and I just look at him amazed at the same time terrified.

"Kaylee, I guess we need to go back to that old school" I mutter and gulp thinking of a plan on how to escape this nightmare that we got ourselves into.

"I think I- we better start packing our bags. Call me when you're done with yours" she said nervously while looking at the window.

(What the fuck. We didn't expect them to be children of a really very high people. I thought they were just children of people with social class)

"Nope that won't be enough. They will hunt us down and hurt us so I think we better immediately dug up our grave" I said to her feeling terrified.

"That's even better. I never thought that the new shovel that we bought at our house is going to be used like these. I think your house's backyard would fit for the both of us" she said making me nod my head.

"Fuck what did we get ourselves into Kaylee?" I said while looking at her. We both share the same despair and sigh in unison.

"Oh, don't be discouraged they are not like what you think" Ace tried to explain and we both just kept quiet since we don't know for sure what would happen next.

"Okay then Kaylee we need to start digging our death bed. Yup it's true we both have a space at the backyard" I stated again while looking at Kaylee.

"Yeah I'll immediately get the shovel and bring it to your house once I got home" she finished making us both shiver in fear.

"Oh please.... guys don't be like that. You're wasting your time. They could just throw you away in the sea. And no one will ever find out nor find you" my brother said in a serious tone and we both glared at him.

"Really Ace were sweating here in fear of what will happen to us tomorrow and you're fucking not helping at all" I snicker making him laugh.

"Oh boy... he can just burn you away-"

"YOU'RE NOT HELPING AT ALL" Kaylee screamed making him laugh again while me on the other hand was making my last will on my mind.

"Okay.... okay I'm just joking" he said when Kaylee was about to punch him on his shoulder.


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