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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 1


Macloria Hospital, maternity ward, delivery room… 

Everyone in the room smiled as the baby’s cries echoed through the delivery room

Congratulations, Ms. Mitchell, it’s twins. A boy and a girl!the nurse said with a smile to the woman on the bed

Rebecca Mitchell gave a weak smile, trying hard to catch a glimpse of her babies surrounded by the doctors

Outside the delivery room, a nurse called out, holding the babies, Rebecca Mitchell’s family? Anyone here for 

Rebecca Mitchell?” 

No one answered her. Rebecca had no company at all

On the bed, Rebecca’s face grew even paler as she heard this. So, TheodoreHe didn’t come?‘ 

She lay there, a profound sense of helplessness washing over hec 

The doctors and nurses quickly transferred her to a regular ward, along with her newborn twins

The ward was bustling. Three other beds were occupied by new mothers, each surrounded by their families. Some attended to the new mothers, others peered into bassinets, and new fathers cradled their babies, their faces 

beaming with joy

Rebecca’s arrival was noticeable. She was alone, without a single family member by her side

However, no one was particularly nosy. Most people just glanced at her and went back to their own business

Hey, did you catch the news today? Apparently, Janet Mitchell’s pregnant! Paparazzi caught a shot of her leaving a prenatal checkup.” 

Janet? No way! She’s a huge movie star! She just won an award, didn’t she? And now she’s pregnant?

Could it be fake news?” 

No way! Her belly is huge. Looks like she’s eight or nine months along, almost ready to 

give birth!” 

She’s not even married, right? Pregnant out of wedlockMan, the entertainment industry is wild these days!” 

Come on, do you know who was with her at the checkup? It was Theodore Edwards, the president of the Edwards Group! He’s six feet tall, more handsome than any movie star, and only twentyeight. Janet’s really hit the Jackpot, marrying into all that money!” 

The family members in the maternity ward gossiped, oblivious to Rebecca’s face growing paler and paler as she lay 



in the corner

At last, Rebecca let out a breath of relief when they shifted their topic away from Janet’s pregnancy news

She took out her phone and quickly found Theodore’s number in her contacts

After a long hesitation, she finally made the call

What?Theodore’s cold voice came from the other end

IThe babies are here. A boy and a girl. Do you want tocome see them?Rebecca’s voice trembled as she asked

I’m busy. No time,Theodore replied irritably before abruptly hanging up

In the hospital room, Rebecca listened to the endless beeping on the other end of the phone, her face drained of color

Her hand tightened around the phone, trembling slightly. After a moment, Rebecca suddenly felt exhausted. She glanced at the two babies sleeping soundly in the crib beside her. They were so peaceful, not crying or fussing, as if they knew their mother was sad

Exhaustion from labor finally overcame her. Rebecca set the phone down, lay back on the bed, and closed her eyes. I need to rest,she thought

She had no idea how long she had slept. When she groggily woke up, she heard the soft murmurs of the other family members in the room. It seemed like they weretalking about her

It’s so sad that no one is here for her at a time like this.” 

Exactly, and she had twins! I’d be thrilled!” 

Thrilled? Who knows? Maybe she had an affair and wants to keep it quiet.” 

No way!” 

Would you please look how beautiful she is? If it was not an affair, what man wouldn’t be right here by her side? Even if her husband couldn’t come, her husband’s parents should be here, right? But there’s no one. I bet she slept with someone else’s man, got knocked up, and now she’s too ashamed to tell anyone. I really think we should stay away from such a woman.” 

Her husbandHer parentsHer husband… 

Rebecca pondered these words. She had just woken up feeling somewhat at peace, but now her heart started to ache again


Was there anyone in the world who truly cared about her

Theodore’s parents didn’t like her

Her own parents doted on her sister, Janet, and even her husband only thought of Janet

Was it simply because she was adopted and Janet was their biological daughter

Twentythree years ago, her adoptive parents, unable to have children after years of marriage, had brought her home from an orphanage. But just a few months later, her mother unexpectedly became pregnant and gave birth to their biological daughter, Janet. From then on, Rebecca became the unwanted child, forever overshadowed by Janet in their parentseye 

Three years ago, a car accident left Theodore in a vegetative state. No one wanted to marry him, but the Mitchells, driven by their own greed, pushed her into the marriage

A year later, Theodore miraculously awoke. She thought her nightmare was finally over, but then Janet fell in love with Theodore at first sight

Rebecca had a falling out with the Mitchell family because she had fallen in love with Theodore. Throughout her life, she had given up too much for Janet, and she didn’t want to give up her husband too

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t win Theodore’s heart

Six months ago, Theodore came home out of the blue and handed her divorce agreement


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