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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108 


Rebecca couldn’t stand it any longer and said. Theodore, it has nothing to do with you. You don’t need to worry about it.” 

I’m doing this for your own good! Theodore frowned and reminded

Rebecca hung up the call and blacklisted the number. After doing all this, she felt better

Theodore was stunned. When he came to his senses, he found that Rebecca had hung up on him

Theodore’s heart sank. He picked up his phone and called Releen again

Soon, the system prompt told Theodore that Rebecca had blacklisted his new number

As Theodore held the phone in his hand, his face darkened. He burned with anger, thinking, How dare Rebecca

She kept blocking my phone number. Was it just because she had hooked up with Charlie? How shameless

How shameless

Did she even realize, with her current status, Charlie would never consider marrying her? She’s embarrassing herself.” 

Rebecca was embarrassing herself

Holding the phone in his hand, Theodore was so angry that his chest heaved violently

No one had ever enraged him so much. Rebecca was the first

After a moment, Theodore picked up the company’s internal phone and ordered directly. Go get me some new mobile phone cards!” 

When assistant Jude Dudley heard this request outside, his heart skipped a beat. He knew something was wrong

Jude then quickly went to apply for a few new cards before handing them over to Theodore

Theodore took the SIM card, unwrapped it with a cold face, and put it into the phone before calling Rebecca again

He finally understood what he should do. He was concise and went straight to the point. Rebecca, those online scandals have affected the reputation and stocks of the Edwards Group. We must solve this problem as soon as possible.” 

Theodore didn’t bother to talk nonsense, lest he get blocked again

Post a statement online, saying that you and Charlie are just friends, not in affair

Also, let’s go to the Civil Registry Office together this afternoon to change the two children’s surnames back.” 

Theodore thought that if he could use this opportunity to make Rebecca realize the seriousness of the matter and change the two children’s surnames back, it would be a blessing in disguise, so as to avoid further entanglement in the future, which 

would be troublesome

Frustrated, Rebecca didn’t respond

She blocked Theodore’s number again, thinking there was something wrong with Theodore’s mind

In the Edwards Group, Theodore was surprised that Rebecca hung up on him again

Theodore frowned and kept dialing. As expected, the number was blocked again

08:58 Tue, Jul 23 ) · 

Chapter 108- 


A surge of anger rose inside Theodore, but he held it back, took out a new card, and installed it before making another call

At the sight of the unfamiliar number, Rebecca didn’t want to answer it, so she hung up and ignored it

Theodore kept dialing, but he couldn’t get through, which pissed him off

He thought, Is Rebecca crazy? Just because she’s with Charlie, does she think she has become someone important? Does she know her place?” 

Rebecca could not feel Theodore’s anger for the time being, nor did she want to feel it. After hanging up on Theodore, sh took our the scripts and continued to study them. These scripts were good, but she felt that something was lacking

Rebecca thought about it for a long time and finally told Lynn her idea

Lynn nodded after listening. Well, these scripts are just ordinary, and there is still a big gap between them and top ones. But good scripts are hard to get. Some actors may get a top one soon after entering the industry. Some may have no such a chance even though after more than ten years, or even decades in the industry. In addition to performance, luck is also very important

But given your conditions, if you really want to star in a good script, there is a way,Lynn suddenly said

nas she quickl 

Rebecca’s eyes lit asked, What’s it?” 

Buy the copyright, find someone to adapt it, and professionally customize the best script, Lynn replied concisely

At Aotori shooting base, Lynn held her phone while saying seriously, Nowadays, many scripts are adapted from novels, and the current novel market is very complete, with a variety of themes and settings. No matter what you want, it will be offered. You can go to major novel websites, and maybe you can find a novel that suits your taste

If you find it and you are willing to spend money, you can talk with the author or buy the adaptation rights of the novel from the website, and then have someone adapt the novel into the script you want,Lynn explained

Got it.” Rebecca nodded in agreement

In the next few days, Rebecca started to visit various major websites and read various novels, trying to find the content she wanted

Another day passed. At night, Theodore appeared at Carter Villa again

The servant came in in a panic and shouted, Mrs. Carter, Ms. Carter, bad things happen. Theodore from next door comes again.” 

Ignore him. If he dares to break in, tell the bodyguards to throw him out!Debra said calmly while applying a facial mask

Rebecca was wondering whether to go out and take a look, but when she heard Debra’s suggestion, she calmed down. Yes, she could ignore Theodore

In this way, they went through the last few days. The onemonth coolingoff period expired, which meant they could officially go to get divorced


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