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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139 

At the banquet, many guests from Macloria had come knowing that Rebecca now formally known as Stacey Carter and her two young children were part of the Edwards family. As they mingled and enjoyed the festivities, a realization dawned upon them they had not seen any members of the Edwards Carily. Curious and somewhat concerned, they scanned the room, searching for familiar faces associated with the Edwards family

Pondering over their activities for the past two days, which included flying and staying at hotels, they wondered, Why haven’t we seen the Edwards family at all during this event? Why would the Edwards family not attend, especially when their daughterinlaw is from a distinguished family like the Caster faully?” 

Among those unaware of the underlying tensions, confusion reigned Meanwhile, those in the know couldn’t help but chuckle at the situation. One of the guests couldn’t contain his amusement and laughed out loud, drawing curious glances 

Yohannes, what are you laughing at? It’s kind of creepy, remarked one of his friends, puzzled by his reaction

With a smirk. Yohannes Larson raised his glass, took a sip, and teased, Do you want to know why neither the Edwards family nor the Mitchell family showed up?” 

Come to think of it, we haven’t seen the Edwards or Mitchell families ever since we got here. Where are they? Darren Wilkins mused. Now intrigued by the mystery of their absence, be pressed, Why didn’t they come!” 

Yohannes exchanged a knowing look with Darren and chuckled softly. He leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, It’s because they’ve practically sabotaged themselves with their anties” 

Darren’s eyes widened with curiosity, prompting her to ask eagerly, How did they manage that?” 

Yohannes, ensuring they were not overheard, pulled Darren aside and after ensuring his loyalty with potential benefits from a cooperation project, divulged the juicy details. Darren was astounded by the revelations, his eyes widening with each word So Rebecca- sorry, I mean Stacey is no longer tied to the Edwards family, correct?he confirmed with Yohannes, his eyes sparkling with intrigue

Yohannes nodded, his expression one of mischief as he revealed Exactly. Why else would her children carry the Carter family name exclusively? Haven’t you heard? Lillian and Kevin are officially registered under the Carter family, and they have nothing to do with the Edwards family now

Darren, intrigued, pondered the implications, They’re divorced. So, does that mean Ms. Carter is single now? There won’t be a problem if I ask my son to pursue her now, will there?” 

Yohannes was taken aback by Darren’s forwardness. Wait, we can do that?he pondered, bewildered by the latter’s matchmaking plans. As he looked at Darren, Yohannes thought about his married son and then glanced back at Stacey on the stage, feeling like his family had missed out on a fortune

However, the thought struck him that though his son was married, he had a nephew who was eligible. Perhaps, if my nephew pursued Ms. Carter and succeeded, our families could still be united in some way! Yohannes mused. Mulling over this idea, he felt as if a clear path had been laid out before him. He raised his glass to Darren, proposing, That’s a great idea!though Darren remained skeptical

Darren stared at Yohannes, musing, Why do I feel like there’s something off about his smile? Is he plotting something

Yohannes and Darren were merely representatives of a broader sentiment that spread through the crowd at the banquet Upon hearing the Carter family’s declaration that not only their daughter but also her children were granted inheritance rights, many attendees began to entertain similar notions

The banquet was set to be an allday affair, offering everyone the opportunity to indulge in an array of foods and beverages to their heart’s content. Additionally, a special lounge had been prepared upstairs, featuring various entertainment options for those desiring a break from the main festivities. In the main hall, professional performances were scheduled throughout the day to enhance the celebratory atmosphere. Lillian and Kevin, particularly fond of such displays, positioned themselves up front. Their young faces lit up with wonder, and they were so captivated by the performances that they seemed glued to 



16-16 Sun, Jul 28 

Chapter 189 

the spot. reluctant to misvegen a moment

Meanwhile, the Carter family’s official Twitter account, manage.. by a reporter who had been strategically hired beforehand began disseminating joyous updates about Stacey’s formal return to the family fold. The announcements made it clear that Stacey was to enjoy the same inheritance rights as her brothers, a policy that extended to her children as well, ensuring they would be treated on par with their cousins in the future. This groundbreaking news quickly spread as Charlie enthusiastically liked and retweeted the post. The internet buzzed with activity as more and more people engaged with the 


The hashtags, BeckyHasOfficiallyReturned ToTheCarter Familyand 

Becky AndHerkidsHaveTheRightTolnherifTheCarter FamilyFordine surged in popularity, becoming trending topics within hours 

The online community overflowed with messages expressing a mix of congratulations and envy

[Congratulations, Becky, on your return to the Carter family!

[Congratulations to Chuck on reuniting with his longlost sister 

[I’m so envious that Becky is Chuck’s little sister.


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