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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 

Let’s see how things go after Chuck has a look at the video,” Debra reminded 

Stacey nodded. Sure. She looked up at Russel after concurring with Debra and stated, Can you send me this video?” 

Absolutely!he replied enthusiastically. His eyes lit up as he quickly took out his phone, looking at Stacey with expectation We’ll need to swap numbers, then I can send it over to you.” 

His eager demeanor slightly amused her, and she responded with a slight smirk, OkayNo big deal. I’ll just block him if he turns out to be dodgy, she thought

At that moment, Debra interjected, I’ll give you my number instead.She was constantly wary of men who approached her daughter.with ulterior motives. After all, Stacey had just gotten out of a pickle with difficulty and couldn’t afford to fall for the trickery of such sleazeballs again

Russel was momentarily speechless, his smile fading quickly. Meanwhile, Debra took out her phone and added his contact, soon receiving the video he sent over. Russel’s eyes flitted between Debra and Stacey, then he exhaled and remarked somberly, Trying to woo you seems quite the challenge, Ms. Carter. Stacey couldn’t help but burst into laughter at his 


Don’t you sweet talk my daughter!Debra eyed Russel dubiously as she warned him. The Carter family won’t be fooled so easily!she mused

In response, Russel quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. I promise, 1He trailed off, distracted and suddenly captivated by the radiant smile on Stacey’s face. She’s truly beautiful when she smiles, he thought. Observing Russel stiring at Stacey midsentence, Debra deliberately started to cough loudly

This snapped Russel out of his daze. However, he had lost his train of thought upon turning his attention back to Debra. Sheepishly, he lowered his hands and quickly clarified, Please rest assured; I have no ulterior motives.” 

Debra snorted coldly. She would have believed him before, but not anymore. Debra’s guard was up as she contemplated, She might have believed him previously, but not under the current circumstances. Debra was cautious, thinking, My dear daughter deserves only the best, and those with dishonorable intentions can get lost Erase the video from your phone for now. If I decide it’s okay, I’ll send it back to you, and then you can show it to your father,she commanded firmly

All right. Thank you, Madam!Russel responded eagerly, promptly deleting the video in front of them. The professional bodyguards made sure to verify that no unauthorized videos of Stacey remained on his device before handing it back

Meanwhile, Theodore, Taylor Morgan, and lan were relishing a barbecue in a private room at a restaurant in Marloria. Seated next to Taylor was his current girlfriend, Celeste Wayne

Theodore, what’s the situation between you and Rebecca?lan inquired

Taylor looked over at Theodore, chiming in, Are you planning un remarrying her?” 

Samuel cut to the chase, saying. The Carter family has officially welcomed Rebecca back and publicly declared that Stacey, I mean Rebecca, and her child are heirs to their fortune. Now, it seems everyone is vying for her attention.” 

My dad urged me to pursue her just two days ago,Taylor added 

What exactly do you mean by that?Theodore asked, his irritation apparent as he glared at Taylor

Just checking if you’re still interested in remarrying Rebecca. If not, I might step in Taylor said with a laugh. Don’t blame me for seizing an opportunity now that everyone is after the Canter family’s wealth, Theodore. If things are truly over between you two, you might as well let your best friend benefit instead of someone else” 

09:24 Mon, Jul 29

Chapter 141 


As Taylor finished his sentence, Theodore stood abruptly and struck him hard in the face. Naturally, Taylor, having grown 

a toughened street fighter, swiftly retaliated. Their confrontation stunned Celeste, who moved away with a shriek


lan’s expression fell as well and he shot to his feet to attempt and break the fight. That’s enough, Taylor, Theodore!” 

Unfortunately, his attempt was futile as Theodore’s anger had overtaken him. In the heat of the moment, Theodore grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it against Taylor’s head. The impact caused Taylor, his face now covered in blood, to loosen his 

hold immed It was only then that lan managed to pull them apart. Shaking, he assessed Taylor’s bloody condition, his 


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