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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 

After a long, tense silence, Wyatt finally spoke, T’m sorry.” 

Theodore’s face remained a mask of cold indifference as he coldly replied, I don’t need an apology. Just do me a favor. Find Rebecca and explain everything to her

Wyatt was taken aback, his eyes widening in shock. He hesitated his voice slightly trembling as he said, ButJanet might still have the photos of my sister. Theodore’s frown deepened at Wyatt’s words, a flicker of irritation crossing his features, Wyatt sighed and explained, Even though Janet promised to delete the photos when I agreed to help her, she did show me that she deleted them. You know Janet’s character, Theodore. She’s not trustworthy. She could have easily made backups. somewhere else. I can’t risk my sister’s future on a gamble. I’m sorry. Wyatt looked away guiltily. He was painfully aware that he was letting Theodore down, but he could not do what Theodore had asked. Wyatt could not risk Lila’s future for a friend. Even though Lila was not innocent, she was his sister, and he had to protect her above all else

The mention of Janet stirred a deepseated irritation in Theodore. It was always Janet who caused problems. The thought of her made his frustration boil over. He could not help but wish that Janet had met a tragic fate long ago to spare him the endless complications she had brought

The conversation ended on a sour note. After Theodore left, Theodore and Wyatt were no longer friends. Despite Wyatt’s explanations, the damage was permanent and irreparable, and Theodore could not bring himself to forgive him

Fully aware that their friendship was over, Wyatt felt its finality. They could never return to the closeness they once shared. However, from that day on, the heavy burden on his heart lifted slightly. He knew that Theodore now understood that misunderstandings marred the past, and he realized that the fault lay primarily with him

At Carter Villa, after Stacey finished taking care of Lillian and Kevin for the night, she proposed to Patrick that she join him at the company the next day. Patrick’s eyes immediately lit up with excitement when he heard Stacey. Really? Becky, you want to come to the company with me?he said, surprised

Stacey nodded and replied, Yes” 

Fantastic! In that case, come with me today. I will introduce you to everyone at Hoggard Technologies, Patrick said, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. His posture straightened with a newfound energy, and he seemed more motivated than he had been in a long time. Debra, who had been watching froma nearby chair, was speechless

Patrick was genuinely happy. He had dedicated many years to the company, and as it grew, so did his responsibilities. Patrick had become busier and spent less time with Debra, which was challenging for both. He had always envisioned a future where his sons would eventually take over the family business, allowing him and Debra to retire and explore the world together. However, none of his sons showed any interest in inheriting the family business, which Patrick found frustrating and disappointing. Fortunately, Becky had a different perspective. There was a common saying that daughters were their fatherslittle angels, which was undeniably true in Becky’s case. Patrick was deeply grateful for his little angel 

Debra, I am taking Becky to the company today. Please look after Lily and Kev at home while we are gone. Patrick said, his tone filled with happiness

Go ahead, but remember to take good care of Becky, Debra advised, her voice carrying a motherly concern

Of course!Patrick replied eagerly. Stacey, seeing Patrick’s joy, felt a sense of happiness. They left the villa together and got into the car. After a short drive, they arrived in the vibrant heart of Hivalis, where Carter’s Jewel headquarters stood tall amidst the hustle and bustle of the city

Carter’s Jewel headquarters occupied an impressive 33-story building. The first floor housed a standard jewelry store. The second floor was dedicated to the company’s regular employees, featuring an array of offices and a spacious lounge. The third floor was a warehouse, storing countless valuable items from Carter’s Jewel’s extensive inventory Floors four, five, and six were dedicated to the company’s designers, each divided into various work areas. The fourth floor was for regular designers. That floor resembled a large office space, with many designers working together in openplan offices. The fifth 

09:16 Wed, Jul 31 

Chapter 168 

floor was designated for senior designers and featured 64 individual offices, each providing a private workspace for the experienced designers. On the other hand, the sixth floor was reserved exclusively for Carter’s Jewel’s top jewelry designers those worldrenowned for their unparalleled expertise. Despite its expansive layout, the sixth floor was only divided into three sections, each dedicated to one of those top designers

Patrick took Stacey to meet the three top designers: Linda Steinfeld, Bernard Spielberg, and Thomas Burtman. Everyone smiled during their first official meeting, but Stacey sensed the designerscuriosity and wariness toward her. Patrick continued the tour after leaving the sixth floor, leading Stacey through the other building floors. They saw many raw stones and met numerous buyers and business owners. Many of those owners smiled and greeted Patrick and Stacey warmly when they entered

This must be Becky. Congratulations on finding your daughter, Mr. Carter, Henry Brown said warmly

Patrick smiled back, his pride evident. Yes, this is Becky, my daughter,he said. He continued with the introductions by saying, Becky, meet Henry Brown. You can call him Mr. Brown. He’s a regular customer here and loves to buy our raw stones. In addition to Henry, they met several other esteemed customers, including Alan Davis, Lucas Wilson, and Caleb Harris. Patrick kept smiling, enthusiastically introducing Stacey to each one and examining raw stones with them 


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