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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

Rebecca and Charlie had no idea Theodore was watching the livestream. Even if they did, they wouldn’t give


At this moment in the car, Charlie was worried that Rebecca might feel sick on the ride. He took out some snacks, ripped open each one, and offered them to his sister. Here, Becky, try these. They’re seriously delicious.” 

Rebecca looked at the snacks and then at Charlie. A warmth spread through her chest. Thanks” 

She couldn’t be too affectionate, not yet, and they both knew

Charlie smirked, Don’t bother. It’s just some snacks. I’ll take care of you!He was determined not to be any less 

protective than Adrian or Bryce. He could protect his sister, too

He seemed very fixated on the idea of protecting her, and Rebecca couldn’t help but smile. Having a real family 

member was wonderful

Thinking of this, Rebecca picked up a bag of chips, and handed it to Charlie

You should eat some too, Chuck,Rebecca said

They couldn’t act too close, but calling him Chuck should be fine, right

Many of Charlie’s fans online often called him that.. 

Charlie froze, his eyes widening in surprise as he stared at his sister

But shock quickly gave way to pure joy. Charlie wanted to hug his sister right then and there. Oh man! She called me Chuck, she called me Chuck in front of hundreds of thousands of live stream viewers! She’s so adorable!‘ 

Charlie was ecstatic inside, but he remembered they were on a livestream. He took a deep breath, looked at 

Rebecca, and managed to nod calmly. Hmm.” 

Rebecca had no idea about the rollercoaster her Chuckhad sent Charlie on shock, nerves, excitement, and 

finally, a kind of pride. Meanwhile, that one moment sent the viewership for Room Five through the roof

[Whoa, did Becky just call him Chuck?? I’m dying! I wish I was Becky right now!

[I’m literally crying! I’m so jealous. Becky is living the dream!

[Did you guys see Chuck’s face when she said it?! He was shocked, nervous, happy, everything all at once! So cute!

The live chat was filled with excited screams, with fans unable to contain their excitement


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Chapter 20 

However, some fans remained rational and noticed something unusual

[Does anyone else think Charlie’s acting a little weird today?

[Me too! I think Chuck’s been replaced by a body doublel He is so weird today

[Not to be a hater, but Charlie’s behavior today was really strange. He never had the warm guypersona before. Since when did he become so considerate of girls?

[I’ve been a Chuck fan for ten years, and honestly, he’s acting totally out of character today. The Chuck I know would never be this attentive to a girl!

[Right? The old Chuck was so sarcastic. He roasted every pretentious female celebrity in the industry.

[I know, right? I didn’t want to say anything earlier for fear of getting attacked, but I agree. Chuck’s never been this nice to an actress before. But now he’s being so considerate to this girl. It’s so weird!

[Chuck, are you being forced to do this? Is the agency making you? If you are, blink twice!

Some of the more emotional fans couldn’t handle the thought of their idol fawning over someone else

[Is Chuck trying to rebrand? What’s wrong with being the sharptongued commentator we love? We became fans because you weren’t afraid to call out those pretentious actresses. Don’t change, or we won’t know what to do!

[Ugh, I can’t stand this Becky. Why doesn’t Chuck just bring his own family on the show instead of some random fan? Is she trying to use him for fame or something?

[Right? Like, back off! He doesn’t need anyone else to shine.

Amidst the sea of Charlie’s fans, a few of Janet’s supporters inevitably showed up to stir the pot

[It’s hilarious. Even Charlie’s own fans don’t buy his act anymore. So fake!

[Just waiting for someone to break character, lol.

[Charlie’s gross. I hope he leaves showbiz soon and stops showing up on the same shows as my girl. He’s such a turnoff!

After having some snacks with his sister, Charlie glanced at the comments. It was quite something

He chuckled and looked at the live stream camera, explaining, Break character? Are you kidding? Don’t the people I roast know what they’re like?” 

His eyes softened as he turned to Rebecca beside him. Do I need to fake it when I’m being good to Becky?” 


The readers' comments on the novel: Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore)