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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 

Is there any clear evidence that Edwin’s exwife’s two children were killed by Dorothy? And I asked you to look into the cause of death of Jenny’s exhusband’s daughter and find solid proof. After reading the message, Adrian sent a reply to his 


The person on the other side was silent for a while, and then finally spoke up, feeling it was somewhat difficult. [I had someone investigate it for a long time and found some vague information, but it’s almost impossible to get exact evidence since so many years have passed.

[I can pay more.] Adrian replied without hesitation

Then I’ll talk to them again. His friend replied

[Thank you.] Adrian replied. As soon as he sent the message, the door to his room creaked open slightly, and a small, fluffy head peeked in from behind the door

Hearing the sound, Adrian turned around and saw the little boy’s face, which looked almost identical to his ownjust in 

miniature form. He mediately softened. Damian Adrian stood up and walked toward the little boy

When he reached the door, Adrian squatted down, one hand gently resting on the boy’s shoulder while he pushed the door open with the other. What’s wrong?” 

I want to eat ice cream!the little boy said, his voice bright and cheerful

Adrian took a breath and hesitated for a moment. Then he responded, But your mother doesn’t allow you to have any.” 

“I want ice cream!the little boy insisted

After a moment of thought, Adrian picked him up. Are you thirsty? Daddy will get you some water.” 

Adrian carried the little boy into the living room, carefully placing him on the sofa before turning to pour water. He poured a glass of water for the child and deliberately used two cups to cool the water before turning back and handing it to the boy

Isabella taught him this method. Isabella is the mother of his son

Six months ago, he had a strange encounter when he found a lost child on his way home. The child was only three years and standing alone in the street

Inexplicably, he thought of Becky’s two 

ildren, and somehow he felt compelled to walk out of the store and bring the child back from the street before taking him to the police station. When he arrived at the police station, he explained that this was a lost child


However, he was met with suspicion from the police. They all stared at him and the child’s face repeatedly. Ultimately, they educated both him and the child about safety, making sure not to scare such young kids

Adrian felt confused at that moment. It took him a while to realize that the little boy looked almost exactly like him

The police then coaxed him to answer many questions. Only after listening to his story did they understand that he had been with his mother since childhood and had never known his father. One policeman held back for a long time before suggesting that they do a paternity test because the resemblance was too striking. To convince Adrian, the man even took pictures of them standing next to each other

Looking at the photo, Adrian felt a rush of realization. This child looked so much like him

The police asked the child’s age, and when he replied three years old,they inquired if Adrian had done anything significant three years ago

Sat, Aug 

Chapter 204 

Initially, Adrian wanted to say nohe had never been in a relationship. But just as the words were about to escape his lips, a sudden memory flashed in his mind. Three years ago, while gathering evidence for a case, something unexpected had happened

Could that child be from that night?Adrian’s heart raced at the thought

Now in his thirties, his parents had been pushing him to get married and start a family

He had always thought it didn’t matterliving alone was fine for him. But when he saw his child standing there in front of him, he felt an overwhelming mix of happiness and surprise

The child was too young to remember his mother’s contact information, making it hard to find her right away. So, Adrian decided to take a sample of the child’s hair and do a paternity test. He asked his friend for help, and soon the results came back: the child was his biological son. This child, who had suddenly appeared in his life, was truly his own

The police quickly learned the news and everyone was shocked, though it felt like a normal outcome since the father and son looked so much alike

Adrian’s mother must have been very worried about the missing child. In the days that followed, he kept a close watch on the situation at the police station, eager to learn more about the child’s mother

They waited all day until midnight, and finally, she arrived at the station in a panic. The mother had been searching for her child for a long time without success; he had been missing for over twentyfour hours

After Isabella reported her missing child, she broke down and sobbed in the police station. This was the anguish of a mother who had lost her child. She was scared and desperate, not knowing what to do. Every part of her was tremblingher voice, her hands, her feet. She was terrified because her baby was gone 


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