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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 217

Chapter 217 

On the other side, Adrian was rendered speechless by Bryce’s words. But, the most important thing now was about Adrian. What Adrian just said was incredibly shocking

Adrian, everything you said is true, and I haven’t heard it wrong? You have a girlfriend and a threeyearold child?Bryce asked again to confirm

Adrian agreed, Yes.” 

Bryce couldn’t help but think of what Charlie had just said. He was now feeling uneasy and wondered, Could it be that not only was Charlie dreaming, but I was also dreaming?‘ 

Adrian, please wait for a moment. Let me calm down first. I’ll call you back,” Bryce finally said cautiously

Adrian was speechless

Bryce hung up the phone soon. He was obviously unable to react and couldn’t accept the reality. But, it was understandable, as it happened so suddenly and shocked everyone

A few minutes later, Charlie called back with excited chatter. He doubleconfirmed that what he had just heard was true. Overwhelmed with excitement, he immediately shouted that he wanted to see his sisterinlaw and nephew

However, he was soon turned down by Adrian. Adrian told him that due to his prominent identity and that of Becky, they couldn’t be introduced to Isabella and Carly for the time being. Thus, they couldn’t meet Isabella and Damian yet

Charlie was completely stunned. After understanding the whole situation, he couldn’t help but unleash a tirade against Adrian. But, despite his outburst, Charlie finally agreed reluctantly

At the end of the call, Debra reminded Charlie to take some time to prepare a gift for his future sisterinlaw and nephew. Although due to special circumstances, he and Becky couldn’t meet Isabella and Damian, the gift should not be forgotten

Hearing that, Charlie nodded and thought, Of course. They are my future sisterinlaw and nephew, after all.‘ 

After comforting Charlie, Bryce called back again. Adrian patiently explained it to him

Stacey watched as Adrian explained the same thing repeatedly to Bryce and Charlie. ‘No matter how many times he had to explain, the smile on his face remained radiant. Since having his wife and son, Adrian has indeed changed from how he used to be,she thought

In the next few days, Stacey got busy. While preparing meeting gifts for her future sisterinlaw and nephew, she was thinking about entertaining Eugene

Thinking that she would accompany Jeremy for surgery in a few days, Stacey picked a cute little gift for Jeremy when she was buying gifts for Isabella and Damian. And of course, she also prepared gifts for Lillian and Kevin

However, Stacey didn’t expect that she would run into Janet in the mall when she was focusing on choosing gifts

The moment they looked at each other, the two were stunned

To be honest, since her identity was made public, Stacey hadn’t met with Janet privately. This seems to be the first time in while. After such a long time apart, Janet seems to have changed a lot, Stacey thought

The clothes Janet used to wear were always the latest ones in the season, fashionable and beautiful. But now, Stacey could tell at a glance that Janet’s clothes were from a long time ago

Janet didn’t have the latest clothes anymore. After her real identity was exposed, Gary and Karen kicked her out of the Mitchell family and froze all the bank cards given to her. Not only that, but they also sued her, demanding repayment of 

12:05 Sun, Aug 4

Chapter 217 

over 20 yearsworth of support

+ 62

Also, everything she did in the past was dug up by netizens. After being blacklisted online, major brands started withdrawing their endorsements of her. Not only that, but she also had to pay skyhigh breachofcontract penalties to these brands. Although she did quite well in the entertainment industry in the past, she used to spend money extravagantly and ended up spending all her earnings. She didn’t have any money left to pay the penalties

Recently, she had been in an extremely desperate situation. The worst part was that if she couldn’t pay the penalties in time, she might even face restrictions on travel and spending. At that point, she might not be able to buy train or plane tickets

The company even replaced her manager, Lisa, directly after the incident

She used to disdain Lisa for being useless and not bringing any resources to her, but now the company had assigned her a new manager. The new manager, Flynn, was notorious in the company for being a pimp. He liked to use unspoken rules to exploit the artists under his management and then use them to make dirty money. The company’s sudden decision to have Flynn manage her was obvious to even a fool

Janet had been harassed several times in the days when she was managed by Flynn. If she hadn’t been mentally prepared in advance and remained vigilant, doing her best to avoid any chance of being alone with Flynn, she might have already been defiled. However, that kind of avoidance could only last for a while. As long as her contract with the company had not ended and she was still in Flynn’s hands, something would eventually happen sooner or later


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