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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 247

Chapter 247 


Startled by Lillian and Kevin’s presence, Damian again retreated behind Isabella, concealing himself so completely that his eyes remained hidden. When Adrian turned and noticed Damian’s stealthy retreat, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the amusing 


Nonetheless, Damian’s current state was vastly improved compared to a year ago. Back then, the sudden arrival of so many strangers would have sent him into hiding in his room without a second thought

The family had spent an entire day at Isabella’s house, and as noon approached, it was time to prepare lunch. Isabella discreetly pulled Adrian aside, asking him to entertain the guests so she could head out to pick up groceries

Instead, Adrian announced to everyone to entertain themselves and join Isabella for the grocery run. Isabella was left speechless. Yet, as she observed the joyful Carter family, she began to realize they might not be as she had imagined

Let’s get moving,” Adrian urged, pulling Isabella along without giving her a chance to hesitate

as they stepped outside

Adrian grinned and said, Relax. They’ll be glad we’re out together. Besides, they’d probably give me a tough time for making you do everything.” 

Isn’t it rude to leave them like this?Isabella voiced her 

Isabella couldn’t help but be amused by his words, though the moment was fleeting. She swiftly composed herself, her expression returning to its usual calm. Enough with the flattery,Isabella responded coolly

Seeing that she was no longer upset, Adrian nodded and replied, Okay.Isabella was at a loss for words

Together, they descended the stairs and made their way to the bustling market. Though Adrian had never been to such a place before being with Isabella helped him quickly get accustomed to it. Still, there was one thing

Upon entering the market, Isabella paused and said, HeyDoesn’t your family usually 

seem prefer more highend cuisine? Won’t this place a bit too ordinary?” 

Adrian shook his head, reassuring her, Don’t worry. They won’t mind at all.” 

If we prepare the food ourselves, they might really appreciate it,Adrian remarked. He had never cooked before, and neither his parents nor siblings had ever tasted his 

09:19 Sat, Aug 10

Chapter 247 

cooking. He added, Let’s prepare the meal together when we return.” 


Isabella felt out of her element handling a crowded living room. Adrian picked up on her unease and proposed they retreat to the kitchen, where she could avoid the crowd and feel more at ease


In any case, Isabella shouldn’t have to manage everything by herself. Adrian saw that he could lend a hand and knew working together would undoubtedly make things go much smoother

Turning suddenly, Isabella looked at Adrian. Is something wrong?he inquired

Shaking her head, Isabella replied, Nothing.” 

Adrian, seemingly understanding her unspoken thoughts, smiled and said, I’m being honest. I’ve never cooked before, and my family hasn’t tasted my homemade dishes. If they get to try them, they’ll be thrilled. Plus, they like you a lot, too, so knowing you prepared the food will make them even happier.” 

Isabella’s heart raced slightly. Rather, she felt a touch of unreality washing over her. She pondered, Would a distinguished family like the Carter family, with their aura of affluence and high status, look down on this plain, almost rustic life?‘ 

Adrian trailed behind Isabella, carrying a hefty bag of groceries as they left the market. On their way back, he turned to her and couldn’t resist asking, With Christmas just around the corner, would you and Damian consider spending the holiday with my family this year?” 

Isabella merely responded with silence, prompting Adrian to playfully feign distress. You know, I’m 35 years old now,he said. Everyone’s been hounding me about getting married. Lately, they’re even starting rumors about me beingAsexual.” 

Isabella couldn’t help but burst into laughter at Adrian’s plight. Once she managed to regain her composure, she said with a serious tone, I’ve told you before. I don’t appreciate smooth talk.” 

Adrian quickly reassured her, I promise I’m telling the truth. If I’m not-He was interrupted by Isabella’s warning glare 

Recalling his previous fabrications, Adrian insisted, I truly haven’t lied. If I did, you have every right to call me a mutt!Isabella found his sincere demeanor quite entertaining

As they approached the bottom floor, Adrian broached the subject, What if we set a wedding date for sometime after Christmas?” 

Chapter 247 

Isabella was stunned into silence. Adrian, his gaze fixed intently on driving, avoided looking at her, his heart thudding with anxiety over her possible refusal


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