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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 261

At that moment, Stacey was unaware of the matters concerning the Leavey family. Hayden could likely surmise this, but he remained indifferent as long as Queenie ceased her incessant badgering.

Stacey spent two days at Hoggard Manor with Lillian and Kevin. When Patrick and Debra arrived to pick them up, the atmosphere was noticeably warmer compared to their previous encounter. The two families shared a day filled with lively conversation and laughter. As dusk approached, Stacey gathered Lillian and Kevin's belongings and departed with her parents. Upon their departure, Patrick and Debra warmly extended an invitation for the Hoggard family to visit their home.

The Hoggard family was delighted, especially Jeremy. He was nearly tempted to leave with them but was held back by Hayden. It wasn't that Hayden opposed Jeremy joining the Carter family; he was simply concerned that if they grew too close, Stacey might feel overwhelmed, and he believed she needed her personal space.

After departing from Hoggard Manor and returning to the Carter Villa, Patrick and Debra shared exhilarating news with Stacey - Adrian had proposed to Isabella, and she had accepted. They had officially obtained their marriage certificate two days prior. In a few days, when Isabella's company commenced its holiday break, they would take Damian back to Alagua City to celebrate Christmas together. In other words, they would not only be celebrating Christmas but also preparing for the upcoming wedding.

Marriage was a significant milestone, and obtaining the marriage certificate was only the beginning. The Carter family was resolute in their decision to give Isabella a grand wedding. Even if Isabella made no specific requests, they were committed to ensuring nothing less than what she deserved. However, the suddenness of the wedding left them with a tight schedule. Numerous arrangements had to be made in just a few days. Despite the flurry of activity, everyone was filled with joy. Not only was Debra elated, but her parents - Stacey's maternal grandparents - Elijah and Deanna, also joined in to help prepare for Adrian's wedding.

In the past few years, although the Carter family was affluent and free from material concerns, they remained perpetually unhappy due to the loss of their daughter. However, in recent times, the Carter family appeared to have finally shattered their misfortunes. Not only had their daughter, who had been missing for over 20 years, returned, but their sons - who had remained single for years - were also discovering their life partners. Now, everyone was barely able to contain their smiles.

Elijah and Deanna were particularly fond of Lillian and Kevin and delighted to spend time with them. Lillian and Kevin, in turn, enjoyed their company immensely. Additionally, Dennis Phillips - Debra's brother and Stacey's uncle - was equally fond of Lillian and Kevin. With his company on vacation, he gathered his belongings and returned from afar. Instead of heading home first, he chose to visit the Carter Villa to see Stacey, Lillian, and Kevin. Although Stacey hadn't spent much time with Dennis previously, she found that when they were together, there was no awkwardness at all. On the contrary, they enjoyed each other's company immensely.

Dennis wanted to take Lillian and Kevin to his house, but Debra firmly refused. Having endured the anguish of losing her daughter, she was understandably anxious about the children. Given that Lillian and Kevin were still so young, she couldn't bring herself to trust anyone - even her own brother - who wished to take them home. Although Dennis was at a loss for words, he recognized that the loss of Becky remained a profound ache in Debra's heart. Even with Becky's return, it did not imply that Debra had forgotten the pain of the past. She was undoubtedly more vigilant in her care for the children now.

Chapter 261 1

Chapter 261 2


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