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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 278

Chapter 278 

Carly was lost in thought when her phone suddenly rang. It was the notification tone she had set on Whatsapp for messages from those she particularly cared about. Hearing this sound, she was startled for a moment and then quickly snapped out of her thoughts

It’s after work hours. The kindergarten is sending Ronald home, right?she thought. After she had decided to work at the company, she had discussed with Isabella and arranged for Damian and Ronald to stay in the school’s daycare after school. After they got off work, the teacher would send the kids home. It was now the time for the school to send them home

Carly quickly took out her phone, replied to the teacher’s message, and immediately went downstairs. When she reached downstairs, she saw the kindergarten’s school bus. The teacher, inside the school bus, saw her coming and opened the door. Carly quickened her pace

Goodbye, sir,Ronald said before getting out of the bus. He waved goodbye to the teacher

The teacher smiled, waved, and replied, Goodbye, Ronald.” 

Then, Ronald immediately ran to Carly happily and yelled, Mommy!” 

Carly caught Ronald and sensed his joy. She felt very complicated. Since moving out of that depressing home with Ronald after the divorce, sheobviously felt that Ronald was a lot happier. She mused, But now‘ 

Children were sensitive, and Ronald soon sensed that Carly was not in a good mood, confusing him slightly. Mommy, what’s wrong with you?he asked

Carly quickly adjusted her emotions and shook her head. She replied, II am okay.” 

Ronald did not say anything and just looked at Carly

Carly stroked Ronald’s head and said with a smile, Let’s go home.” 

Ronald quickly became happy and immediately nodded. Okay,he agreed

However, when Carly and Ronald turned around and prepared to go upstairs, they saw Connor unexpectedly. It turned out that Connor had not left yet and had been hiding nearby

Ronald was shocked when he suddenly saw Connor and subconsciously wanted to hide. However, he quickly thought of Carly. He immediately spread his arms and stood bravely in front of her. He stared at Connor and warned loudly, Don’t come over!” 

Not long ago, Carly did not want to leave and admit defeat to Connor. But now, seeing Ronald standing in front of her, she suddenly did not want to be stubborn anymore. It did not matter whether she or Connor won. What mattered most to her was Ronald. She had to give him a stable and happy living environment. At this moment, she suddenly decided to leave. Leave! I will leave this city! I will go to a place far away where Connor can’t find us and start over with Ronald,she thought

Carly pulled Ronald behind her and then looked at Connor She took out her phone and prepared to call the police again. Connor saw her making a phone call and immediately rushed over to snatch her phone

Carly clenched her teeth and grabbed Connor’s hand, then lowered her head and bit his arm hard. She had never bitten anyone before, and this was the first time. She did it for Ronald and herself. Connor felt the pain and instinctively struggled, trying to pull his arm away. Carly tasted blood in her mouth; she had bitten Connor’s arm until it bled



Fri, Aug 16 

Clipter 978 


The next moment, Conne grabbed Carly’s hair. A woman hair was always her biggest weakness. The terrible pain came from the top of Carly’s head, and she subconsciously wanted to scream, so she opened her mouth and let go of Connors arm. Connor grabbed her hair and threw her aside. She lost her balance and fell

But at this moment. Ronald rushed over and bit Connor’s thigh hard. Connor grimaced in pain, and his face fell. He instantly raised his hand and slapped Ronald hard. Ronald was still young, so with Connor’s slap, he fell to the side and hit his forehead on the flower bed

Carly’s expression changed drastically, and she rushed overjo check on Ronald. Ronald, who had rarely cried since childhood, suddenly bawled. His cheek quickly turned red and swollen, and worst of all, blood flowed out of his forehead. Carly’s eyes reddened, and she was panicked, fer hands holding Ronald trembled slightly

The hospital! Hurry and go to the hospital!Carly thought she turned around and wanted to find a taxi to take Ronald to the hospital. She wondered where she could get a taxi and suddenly thought of calling an ambulance instead

Carly hurriedly looked for her phone. Her hands were shaking as she quickly dialed the emergency number. When the phone was picked up, she opened her mouth and tried to speak several times, but she couldn’t say anything or make a sound out of anxiety. Her eyes were red, and tears rolled down

Hello? What can I do for you? Can I help you?the personnel asked concernedly on the other end of the line

Carly struggled for a while before she could finally make a sound. She gave the personnel her location în a hoarse voice

After making the emergency call, Carly anxiously went to check Ronald’s forehead. There was a lot of blood, and it was still bleeding. What should I do?she thought. Ronald, ddon’t scare me,she stammered before getting choked up


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