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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

In live Room Two, after Phoebe had a secret discussion with her grandfather, they were left speechless

Her grandfather explained that raising chickens in the countryside didn’t require much effort to catch them. Chickens and ducks were intelligent animals. They’d leave home in the morning and return by themselves when it 

was time to eat

The same applied at night. As long as the newly bought chicks were kept in the coop for a few days before being released, they’d know to come back home when let out to roam freely

To clarify this, Phoebe even asked the director if it would work for them to wait for the villagerschickens to come back by themselves at mealtime or at night. The answer was a clear no

With no shortcuts available, she took her grandfather up the mountain and followed the show’s rules to catch the 

vens themselves

Meanwhile, Rebecca and Charlie, who were still in the mountains, figured out how to use the magical toolsand were in a good mood. However, their happiness didn’t last long because the unscrupulous crew quickly reminded them of another condition

The crew told them that simply summoning the chickens back didn’t count. They also had to catch the chickens and confine them so they couldn’t escape for it to count

Additionally, the chickens had to be caught in the mountains. Once the chickens entered the village, catching or trapping them there wouldn’t count

Due to these sudden requirements from the director, the hundreds of thousands of viewers in Room Five bombarded Ben with comments again

The hashtag Ben is being a bad sportshot up in popularity online, and as A Glimpse into Our Familywas being joked about by many, it also gained widespread recognition

As more people saw the buzz and tuned in to watch the livestreams, the show’s popularity surged, showing signs of becoming a big hit

In each guest’s live room, the number of viewers grew, with Charlie and Rebecca’s live Room Five seeing the most significant increase

In just one morning, the number of viewers in live Room Five almost reached 600,000. And what about Janet’s live room

Janet checked the online viewer count in her live room and saw it was only 400,000, almost 200,000 fewer than Charlie and Rebecca’s live Room Five


She wondered, How did this happen? I can’t let this continue! I mustn’t be outdone by Rebeccal 

While Janet’s face remained calm, her mind was a mess. She felt annoyed and angry, Inwardly grumbling, “Why did Rebecca have to join this show? Couldn’t she just stay home and be a fulltime housewife?” 

Out of the live camera’s view, she was gripping the capture net’s pole so hard it was close to snapping

Janet thought firmly, No! It can’t go on like this! I have to find a way to turn things around and regain my popularity! And as for Rebecca, I can’t let her keep flaunting herself. She’s just a fake heiress who stole someone else’s family. Isn’t it enough for her to stay a commoner overshadowed by me, a true heiress, forever? But I can’t personally cause trouble for now, or the media might catch on, and that would be troublesome!‘ 

With that in mind, she looked toward the forest in front of her and thought of Lesley

Janet pondered somewhat irritably, It’s been half a day in the mountains. What are those two idiots doing? It’s been so long, and they haven’t made any progress. Useless!” 

At that moment, Lesley and Angie were feeling quite pleased. When they first rushed to catch chickens, they didn’t think much about it and just wanted to catch them

In their efforts to catch the chickens, they worked up a sweat, their makeup was ruined, and their clothes got dirty 

The worst part was when the first chicken they caught pooped on their hands and clothes. Lesley couldn’t handle it, screamed loudly, and threw the hen away instantly

She then hurried to find water to wash her hands after throwing the chicken. But while Lesley was fussing, Angie discovered that their live room had over 200,000 viewers

Aside from Janet’s live Room Four and Charlie’s live Room Five, their live room had the highest number of viewe among the remaining rooms

Angie was thrilled and immediately called Lesley over. Lesley saw the results and became excited, too

Thus, the two sisters didn’t even mind the chicken droppings on their hands, especially Lesley. They chatted wit the audience for a bit, and after confirming that the viewers were indeed there for them, they turned back with great excitement to continue catching chickerls

They were so caught up 

assigned her

the fun of catching chickens that Lesley momentarily forgot the task the company ha 

Lesley didn’t remember it until they came across Janet and her mother

The moment Lesley made eye contact with Janet’s gentlegaze, her wandering mind suddenly snapped back reality

10:50 Fri, 19 Jul uu 

Chapter 28 

When she saw Lesley, Janet pretended to look surprised, turned to the live camera, said a few words, and then led everyone over to Lesley


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