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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 3


As Paul spoke, his eyes drifted to the babies nestled beside Rebecca

BeckyI mean, Rebecca, can I take a picture of the babies?Paul asked cautiously

Rebecca was stunned for a moment before she quickly nodded. Yes, of course.” 

She instinctively moved aside to make room

Paul hurried over, exchanging a glance with Rebecca before taking out his phone and carefully snapping a photo of both babies

After taking the picture, he looked at the adorable kids, smiling ears to ears. He was about to share it with the family group chat when he suddenly thought about something and quickly turned to Rebecca. Rebecca, do you mind if I post this in the family group chat? I’d love for everyone to see your kids

We’ve been searching for you for over twenty years. Everyone is eager to hear about you,Paul said nervously


Yes, that’s fine,Rebecca said, noticing his nervousness, excitement, and joy. Her own heart was pounding hard, feeling complex and joyful

It turned out she had a family

She had a mom and dad, brothers, and uncle, who all missed her terribly. They’d been searching for her for the past twenty years. She wasn’t abandoned

With Rebecca’s consent, Paul excitedly shared the photos in the family group chat

The moment he hit send, the chat blew up

[What’s this?

[Where did these babies come from?

[Paul, did you have babies behind our back?

[Oh my, so cute! Whose babies are this? Tell me!

[It’s Rebecca’s babies, twins, a boy and a girl, just born. Aren’t they adorable?] Paul sent the message after sharing the photos, proudly showing off

[Everyone, get your gifts ready! For the babies and for Rebecca. Don’t miss a single one! I’m telling you, the gifts must be something big and special. The more, the better!] Paul continued threatening everyone in the group chat


18:52 TG, ISTQUE 



Rebecca had been secretly watching Paul’s expressions, seeing his cautious look turn to excitement, then arrogance, and finally a smug smile. She couldn’t help but feel her mood lied and crack a smile

Thinking of this. Rebecca turned to look at her babies beside her. The kids were soft and tiny, looking incredibly 


That evening, the Carter family rushed into the hospital, their anxiety mounting as they raced toward Rebecca’s room in the inpatient ward 

nick Debra, and their three towering so 

stopped at the door, each looking nervous and even a bit scared

Fmaily, Decretook a deep breath and carefulty knocked on the door

In the hospital room. Paul was still looking at them, glancing at Rebecca and then at the two babies. The more he looked, the wider his smile grew. These were the Carter family’s most precious babies

The knock at the door started him for a moment, but he quickly realized it must be Patrick and Debra

He turnedly stood up to coer the door

As the door opened, the whole family was there, and Debra was standing at the front

Sitting on the hospital bed, Rebecca looked toward the door. The moment she saw Debra, her heart seemed to skip a beat. This madam 

When Deore saw Paul she knew she had found the right place. She became even more nervous, instinctively leaning forward and scanning the room

Their eyes suddenly metRebecca and Debra. They stared at each other, feeling a mix of tension, excitement, and deepseated anticipation, followed by the bittersweet pain of a twentyyear separation 

Tears wellied up in Debra’s eyes, but she quickly swiped them away and rushed into the room

Patrick and the three sons of the Carter family followed behind her

They’d been eager to get inside, but now that they were finally in the room, a wave of nerves washed over everyone. All eyes were glued to Rebecca 

Rebecca had never been the center of attention Eke this, and she felt uneasy under their gaze

Alright, Patrick, Debra, and you three, calm down. Don’t scare Rebecca,Paul couldn’t stand it anymore and quickly reminded them 

His words seemed to break the spell 



Debra broke into a smile with tears

Patrick turned his head away, quietly wiping his own tears

The three brothers also smiled

Paul stood up and introduced with a smug smile, Becky, this is your 

om, Debra. She’s the one who’s missed you most these past twenty years. She cried so much because she couldn’t find you that it even messed with her eyes” 

Paul!Debra interrupted anxiously, her voice urgent. Don’t tell Becky these things.” 

Becky was the nickname the Carter family had given Rebecca. They hoped she would always be happy, but fate had a joke with her, making her life the most difficult


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