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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 

Rebecca, who was now sitting in Theodore’s car, felt both angry and anxious. She hadn’t expected that Theodore would just pull her into his car

She wanted to get out, but when she turned and saw Theodore’s stern side profile, she quickly remembered that they were on their way to finalizing their divorce

Rebecca then thought it would be easier to go along with it. It was fine to ride with him as long as the appointment 

was successful

With that thought in mind, she gradually calmed down

n the car, Theodore discreetly observed Rebecca. As he watched her, he couldn’t help but think of what was 

nentioned in the email from the previous night

le wondered, Did someone really call Grandma secretly when we went to the Courthouse to schedule the livorce? ILby any chanceit’s true, does that mean Rebecca hasn’t changed and is still clinging to me like she ised to? Maybe all these recent actions are just her being clever and acting out a different strategy to fool me?” 

is Theodore thought about it, he couldn’t help but smile

However, it was only for a brief moment before he quickly pressed his lips together angrily

Theodore grumbled inwardly, Is Rebecca out of her mind? Even if she’s trying to get my attention, she shouldn’t ness with our children’s last name like this. How could she let our kids take another man’s last name? What’s 

wrong with her

When he thought about Charlie, the actor who had been close to Rebecca recently, and how their children’s last name was Carter, his entire being instantly darkened, like a storm brewing

Rebecca, who was sitting beside Theodore, was trying hard not to look at Theodore as she thought that it would 

prevent her heart from aching 

But even if she didn’t look at him, being in such a confined space with Theodore made her feel suffocated, as if she couldn’t breathe

Rebecca kept her eyes on the scenery outside and nervously waited, hoping they would reach the Courthouse 


Time passed slowly, and their car was just about to reach the Courthouse

Just then, Theodore suddenly spoke and instructed the driver, Take us to the Civil Registry Office.” 

At that, Rebecca’s eyes widened, and she turned to look at him in shock. What do you mean

15:43 Sat, 20 Jule 

Chapter 48 


Theodore scoffed and sneered, If you want a divorce, fine. But first, we need to change the children’s last name. They must take my last name!” 

Rebecca couldn’t hold back any longer and snapped, Theodore, are you out of your mind?!” 

Her outburst made her heart ache. Rebecca then couldn’t help but accuse, You didn’t want them before, so why are you fighting me for them now that they’re born?” 

I didn’t want them before, but now that they’re born, they’re my children. I naturally have to take responsibility for them, and they should bear my last name!Theodore stated straightforwardly

Ugh!Rebecca couldn’t help herself and, mimicking her parents, spat directly in his face

She hardly ever fought with anyone and wasn’t good at it, but Theodore had gone too far. Rebecca couldn’t hold back, and spitting seemed the only way to express her feelings at that moment

Theodore was so shocked that he was rendered utterly speechless

He then lifted his hand to touch the spit on his face. His eyes widened in disbelief as he glared at Rebecca. Did you just spit on me?” 

Theodore’s face turned grim, and he snapped, Rebecca, what have you been learning from that woman lately? You weren’t like this before!” 

Rebecca wondered in confusion, That woman? Is Theodore talking about my mom?‘ 

Thinking of her mother suddenly gave her courage, and she sneered, Yes, I wasn’t like this before. That’s why your all bully me every day, doing whatever you all wanted without ever considering how I felt!” 

Theodore was instantly rendered speechless and gritted his teeth angrily

With that, Rebecca grew anxious and wanted to get out of the car

Therefore, she shouted at the driver, Driver, pull over. I want to get out!” 

Rebecca felt that if Theodore wasn’t willing to go to the Courthouse, then there was no point in following him. The child’s surname couldn’t be changed and would never be changed in this lifetime

When Theodore forced her to sign the divorce license by threatening her during her pregnancy, and when he refused to look at her and the child after she gave birth, that was the moment she and the child severed all ties 

with Theodore

He took out a tissue paper, wiped the spit off his face with a frown, and remained silent with a grim expression

The driver was the Edwards family’s driver, so he obviously wouldn’t take orders from Rebecca



Therefore, the car continued driving ahead, showing no signs of stopping

Rebecca caught on as well. She suddenly laughed in anger, turned to look at Theodore, and found this man 

completely unreasonable.. 

Eventually, the car arrived at the Civil Registry Office and stopped at the entrance

Rebecca got out of the car and immediately turned to leave

Theodore quickly rushed over and grabbed her with a domineering look

He dragged Rebecca and snapped in annoyance, Rebecca, have you had enough?” 

Rebecca laughed angrily and turned to question him, Theodore, am I the one being unreasonable, or is it you

It was you who didn’t want the child in the first place. It was you! It was you!she shouted the last words in utter despair. With that, Rebecca’s eyes instantly welled up with tears

Rebecca didn’t want to cry. So, she turned around and tilted her head high to hold back the tears

What was done was done. She didn’t want to bring it up again. Now, Rebecca just wanted a clean divorce and to 


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