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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

That night. Theodore returned home again

Seeing the empty villa with no one at home and realizing that Rebecca wasn’t living there anymore, his anger boiled over 

Theodore couldn’t hold back any longer and took out his phone to call her

In the neighboring villa, Rebecca’s phone rang, but when she saw it was Theodore, she didn’t answer. She stared at the phone until it automatically hung up

Over at Edwards Villa, Theodore saw she hadn’t answered and frowned deeply before calling her again

Rebecca, feeling annoyed by the ringtone, hung up immediately

Theodore quickly understood that she was deliberately ignoring him and didn’t want to answer his call

Immediately after, he threw his phone down with a loud thud

Theodore grumbled inwardly, This is absurd! I really don’t understand Rebecca anymore. Does she honestly believe she can have a good life without me? She’s overestimating herself

Half an hour later, Wyatt rushed over in a hurry

He asked worriedly, What happened, Theodore?” 

Theodore took a deep breath and asked, How’s the investigation I asked you to do?” 

After a brief silence, Wyatt responded, If you’re asking about Debra and her husband, I’ve almost got everything. I can send you the information now

If it’s about the call someone made to Mrs. Melissa Edwards on the day you and Rebecca divorced

I had it looked into. Someone did call Mrs. Melissa Edwards that day, but the caller used an anonymous account from abroad, making it hard to trace.” 

After saying that, he couldn’t help but ask, Theodore, do you really not like Rebecca at all?” 

Theodore felt irritated by the question

Wyatt shook his head. Forget it. It’s your business anyway. I’ll stay out of it. But before you make any decisions, think it through. Once you go down this path, there’s no turning back. Even if the wounds heal, the scars will 


Chapter 51 

Theodore gave him a dissatisfied look. What do you mean?” 

Wyatt looked at Theodore and seriously said, I just don’t want you to regret it later.” 

The next moment, Theodore commanded, Send me that woman’s information now.” 

Wyatt nodded, took out his phone, and, after a few quick taps, sent the files

Oh, and check on that Charlie for me too,Theodore added suddenly

Wyatt paused briefly before agreeing, Sure.” 

Theodore soon sat at his desk at his study and meticulously went through the information Wyatt had just sent, which was about the woman who was always around Rebecca

However, as soon as Theodore clicked open the file, his expression turned grim

He wondered irritably, What kind of rubbish information is this? Just a last name and a background? She’s from Hivalis? That’s it? Where’s the rest?‘ 

Three minutes later, Wyatt returned. He stood straight in front of Theodore like a wellbehaved child while holding a document, which was his resignation letter

Theodore looked at the resignation letter Wyatt handed over, his face darkening. What do you mean by this?” 

Wyatt was silent for a moment before saying, Theodore, I’ve been working with you since I graduated. You’ve given me the highest salary in the industry, and I’m very grateful for that. But after thinking it over for a long time, I feel we might not be suitable as superior and subordinate

Besides, I’ve saved some money over the years, and I want to venture out,he added

Theodore’s fierce demeanor seemed to soften a lot at this moment. He looked at his friend and subordinate with a complex expression. You want to start your own company?” 

Wyatt nodded. Yes.” 

What do you plan to do?Theodore asked

Wyatt then went quiet for a moment

Theodore said in a firm voice, If you need any help, you can always come to me. I’ll help with whatever I can.” 

Wyatt smiled and nodded. Sure!” 

He then looked at Theodore and reminded him one last time, Theodore, we’ve been friends for many years. I just 

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Chapter 51 

want to ask. Do you really not have feelings for Rebecca


We’ve known each other for over a decade. Rebecca is the first and only person I’ve seen who can affect your emotions.” 

With that, Wyatt hesitated for a moment before finally turning and leaving

Afterward, the spacious villa was left with only Theodore, all by himself 

The following day, Wyatt still went to the office

Although he had submitted his resignation, he planned to finish the month and leave at the end of it

Theodore also spent three days thinking. Three days later, he called Wyatt over

Wyatt looked at Theodore

Theodore asked angrily, Do I have to tolerate her cheating on me just because I like her?” 

Wyatt was a bit taken aback. He hadn’t expected that Theodore would genuinely reflect on the matter

Wyatt explained, This isn’t about cheating. Liking someone means getting to know her, cherishing her, not dominating and bullying her. Liking someone should be a joyful thing, not painful.” 

Theodore sneered, How can I be happy when she cheats on me?” 

Wyatt was silent for a moment before replying, I can’t comment much on this matter, but one thing I believe is that Rebecca is someone worth trusting.” 

I didn’t know you and Rebecca had such a good relationship that she’s worth your trust!Theodore mocked

Wyatt was rendered utterly speechless by him


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