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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 

Theodore entered with an air of striking handsomeness and aristocratic grace

The customers in the store couldn’t help but stop their movements, closing their mouths and maintaining silence as they turned their heads toward the man

The Edwards family truly lived up to their reputation as Maeloria’s top dogs. The tension and respect subconsciously exhibited by everyone in Theodore’s presence represented not only the Edwards family but also 

Theodore’s status in Maeloria

Patrick patted Debra’s hand and quickly greeted him with a smile, Mr. Edwards.” 

His greeting and smile made it seem as if he hadn’t spat in Theodore’s face just a few days ago

When Theodore saw Patrick, his eyes widened slightly in disbelief. How could this man be here? What was his relationship with the Carter family

Theodore pondered, his gaze crossing the man to scan the venue, and sure enough, he soon spotted Rebecca 


Theodore’s gaze was intense as he stared at Rebecca

Debra furrowed her brow, discreetly pulling Rebecca behind her

Patrick observed everything, smiling as he said, Mr. Edwards, the seating has been arranged. This way, please.” 

Are you a member of the Carter family?Theodore stared at Patrick, questioning in a cold tone

Patrick smiled, Mr. Edwards, you think too highly of me. Though my last name is Carter too, I’m just a worker for the Carter family.” 

He was a worker for his wife, working hard to buy her anything she wanted

But I manage most of the Carter family’s business in the country.” 

Then, Patrick smiled, Mr. Edwards, this way.” 

Theodore nodded and walked inside

Jenny held Theodore’s arm, curiously inspecting the decor of the store. She was filled with curiosity about everything in Zentiscape

With the ribboncutting ceremony was about to commence, the host of Carter’s Jewel stood on stage, delivering formal speeches and lengthy accounts of Carter’s Jewel’s history and glory



15:49 Sat, 20 Jul 

Chapter 58 

Soon, the staff reminded them that the planned time for the ribboncutting was approaching, prompting the host to halt the speech

We are delighted to have you all here to participate in the ribboncutting ceremony for the opening of Carter’s Jewel branch here. Now, please join me in welcoming our spokesperson, Mr. Charlie Carter and Ms. Rebecca Mitchell, to lead everyone to the entrance for the official ribboncutting ceremony!” 

As the host’s words fell, Theodore’s eyes widened once more in surprise. Rebecca was the spokesperson for Carter’s Jewel


On what grounds

Why would Carter’s Jewel choose Rebecca as their spokesperson

At that moment, Theodore’s gaze shifted to Charlie, who stood beside Rebecca

His last name was Carter, and the couple accompanying Rebecca was from the Carter family

Could it be… 

Was Charlie part of the Carter family

Did Charlie grant Rebecca the privilege of being Carter’s Jewel spokesperson because they were in cahoots

And what about Patrick and Debra? They were clearly the Carter family’s lackeys, so their relentless defense of Rebecca during this time made perfect sense

After all, the lackeys of the Carter family naturally had to obey their master’s commands

They were defending Rebecca on behalf of Charlie against the Edwards family

Theodore pondered, recalling how deliberately Patrick and Debra had bought the villa next to theirs. Did they really purchase that villa, or did it belong to Charlie

Charlie, being a celebrity, wouldn’t risk exposing himself by buying a house under his own name, especially one meant fora mistress

So, was Rebecca actually Charlie’s underground lover

Did they intentionally buy the house next door to taunt him? Or were they simply too bold in their affair

Theodore simmered with anger, his gaze almost ablaze. He was tempted to strip Rebecca bare with his eyes to see if she had any semblance of decency left


15:49 Sat, 20 

Chapter 58 

Rebecca had been talking about divorcing him lately. She must be dreaming of marrying Charlie, mustn’t she

Did she think that divorcing him would pave the way for her to marry Charlie

What a shameless fool

Suddenly, Rebecca felt a piercing gaze upon her, and when she turned, she found Theodore staring at her with an almost predatory intensity, like he was about to eat her alive

At that moment, Rebecca felt as if her throat was being constricted, suffocating her

Don’t be afraid.Charlie’s reassuring voice sounded from beside her

Let’s step outside,Debra murmured, gently guiding Rebecca away

Hearing Charlie’s comforting words and feeling Debra’s reassuring touch, Rebecca’s fear began to ebb away

So what if Theodore was there

She had her parents and brothers by her side; she didn’t need to fear Theodore

Be confident. Today is a milestone for us as the spokeperson of Carter’s Jewel,Charlie encouraged her with

bright smile, flashing his pearly whites

Rebecca looked at his infectious grin and felt the weight in her chest lift as she nodded resolutely. You’re right.” 


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