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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67 

Theodore noticed that Charlie was deliberately targeting him, his eyes flashing coldly as he glared at Charlie

Joe and the crew knew it was time to leave, so they turned and headed outside

Theodore didn’t move. Instead, he declared, I am her husband.” 

As soon as he said that, Joe and the crew, who hadn’t gone far, were stunned. They whipped their heads around and stared in shock at the people inside the room

Husband? What the heck

Were they legally married? So what was that love triangle they had imagined all about

Just then, Janet, who had been following behind, reached the door. However, she hadn’t heard what Theodore said, so she still didn’t know what was happening

Janet naturally walked into the room and look around the lounge. After a look, her face remained calm, but inside, she was burning with jealousy

Why did Rebecca get such a lovely lounge in the crew

It was all because Theodore and Charlie had poured money into the production

Two men, one spending 20 million for Rebecca, the other throwing in forty million

What did Rebecca have to deserve this

Why did so many people like her

Did she deserve it

She was just an orphan with no parents

Janet kept her thoughts to herself. She tried to suppress her jealousy and turned to Theodore with a soft, tender expression. Theodore, it’s getting late. We should go back and get some rest,” she said gently

Janet knew her goal clearly

What she wanted now was only Theodore

It had to be him

From the moment she was pregnant with his child and decided to keep it, she was determined to make things 


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Chapter 67 

official and married him

First, because she truly loved Theodore. Ever since he woke up and saw him for the first time, she had fallen. hopelessly in love. She had to marry him

Second, now that all the fans knew she was having his baby, she couldn’t imagine how the media and fans would react if they didn’t end up married

She couldn’t bear to lose the man she loved or see her career fall apart. She had to be with Theodore

Janet’s words floored Joe and the crew inside the room. Their minds raced with bewildering thoughts

What kind of mess was this

Was this the life of the rich and powerful

It was all so chaotic! 

When Theodore invited everyone to lunch just a moment ago, they genuinely thought he was there to visit Janet. But looking at everything that happened afterward… 

Theodore suddenly invested 20 million, and Charlie invested forty million

And now, with Theodore and Charlie in a tense standoff in the room, Theodore shamelessly insisted on staying in Rebecca’s lounge, even declaring he was her husband

So it was clear who Theodore was really there for

Janet truly had some nerve

Had female stars in the entertainment industry become so audacious about being mistresses? Her manipulative schemes were practically in the legitimate wife’s face

But that wasn’t even the most shocking part. The real question was, what was going on between Rebecca and Charlie

A toptier actor and a wealthy you 

young lady? lady

Oh my, there were just too many juicy tidbits today. They were struggling to process it all

Rebecca was exasperated. She glared at Theodore, utterly baffled by what was going on in his head

Hadn’t he been the one wanting a divorce every day before

Now, she was 

ready to part ways, too


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Then they should have divorced, gone their separate ways, and lived their own lives. Wasn’t that sensible

Was it really just because the kids didn’t take his last name

What a joke

When he had threatened her with their lives, did he ever concern for the kids then

As Rebecca thought about it, she suddenly raised her hand, ready to slap Theodore hard

But there was no way Theodore would let her hit him

As soon as she raised her hand, he lifted his own, ready to grab her arm

Just then, out of nowhere, Debra kicked Theodore squarely, sending him stumbling backward

Theodore!Janet, who had been standing by his side, was startled and quickly rushed to support him

With Janet’s help, Theodore managed to keep from falling completely, saving a bit of face. But it did nothing to quell the raging fury inside him

He thought, Kicked again! Is kicking people a family trait for the Carters? Has Charlie taught them that? Every single one of them seems to be a pro at spitting and kicking! Especially Rebecca. She’s picked up all their bad habits, too. Last time, she spat at me, and just now, she’s raising her hand. Was she really about to hit me?” 

Theodore glared at Rebecca as he sneered, Rebecca, so you insist on hanging out with them, don’t you? Just don’t forget your status. You are still a married woman!he roared

That afternoon, two female bodyguards appeared by Rebecca’s side. They shadowed her every move, following her wherever she went. Theodore had arranged them


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