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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 

Rebecca told her mother about Cynthia’s situation. When Debra learned about it, she felt a deep sense of gratitude. toward Cynthia

We should pick a nice gift to wish her a happy birthday,Debra said

Rebecca nodded. Yeah.” 

How old is she turning this year?Debra quickly asked

Fiftyfive,Rebecca replied

She then took out her phone and showed her mother a photo of Cynthia that she had saved

After looking at the photo, Debra immediately smiled, No worries. I know just what to get her.” 

What?Rebecca was a bit puzzled and looked at her mother in confusion

Debra looked at her daughter and smiled, The timing is perfect. I haven’t had a chance to get you anything lately, either. Let’s go out together and pick something nice for you and your two kids tomorrow.” 

For me, too?Rebecca was surprised

Debra nodded with a smile and said happily, Becky, you haven’t been to our hometown in Alagua City, have you?” 

Rebecca remained silent

Debra straightened her daughter’s clothes dotingly and smiled, We still have several mines in our hometown, rich with all kinds of emeralds and minerals. Tomorrow, let’s take your father and go back home to have a look.” 

Rebecca’s mind was buzzing. Mines, several of them, in their hometown? Was this something she was event supposed to hear

Or was she dreaming, and all of this was just an illusion

Debra noticed her daughter staring at her in a daze as she spoke. She paused and then laughed. What? You don’t believe me?” 

Rebecca snapped back to reality and quickly shook her head. No. I’m just really shocked.” 

She had already come to terms with her biological parents being wealthy, but having several mines back home? That was a whole new level of wealth

She still needed some time to process this new information


As the mother and daughter were chatting, Patrick came home from work, carrying the weariness of a long day

However, when he stepped inside and saw his wife and daughter in the living room, his tired expression softened, and a gentle smile appeared in his eyes

Rebecca and Debra heard the commotion at the door and looked up

DadRebecca stood up to greet him

Debra also stood up, smiling at her husband, Patrick, do you have time tomorrow? I was just talking to Becky about taking her back to our hometown to pick out a birthday gift for her aunt. It’s also a good opportunity to choose some gifts for her and her two kids. We haven’t had a proper chance to give them anything since the 


Patrick chuckled at her words, Why bother with gifts? What’s ours is Becky’s. Whatever she wants, she can take directly from home.” 

Debra’s smile grew even wider. She quickly nodded. You are right. What am I saying about giving gifts? It’s all hers, to begin with.” 

Patrick smiled, Alright then, tomorrow it is. I’ll have someone arrange for a helicopter to come over tonight so we can fly back in the morning.” 

Rebecca was stunned again, questioning her hearing 

Helicopter?she asked, unsure if she heard correctly

Debra and Patrick exchanged glances, and both laughed

Patrick looked at Rebecca and asked with a smile, Becky, have you ever ridden in a helicopter before?” 

Rebecca shook her head. No.” 

Debra smiled, That helicopter belongs to us, Becky. Let me or your dad know whenever you want to use it, and we can arrange it anytime.” 

Not only was Rebecca shocked, but the two nannies, who were caring for Lily and Kev, were also stunned

A family that owned a helicopterWhat kind of job had they landed

UmWill we be going with you tomorrow?One of the nannies couldn’t contain her excitement and asked expectantly


Chapter 69 

Just one ride would give them a lifetime of stories to tell

Of course, the kids still need your care,Debra said with a smile, looking at the nannies

Over the past few months, Debra had grown to appreciate the two nannies that Rebecca had initially hired. They were reliable, hardworking, and sincere

The two nannies, Marie and Gwen, holding the kids in their arms, looked at each other with excitement and anticipation in their eyes

While Rebecca wanted to buy a gift for Cynthia, Janet was also preparing a birthday gift for her

She hadn’t paid much attention to Cynthia in previous years, but this year was different

A few days ago, Janet unexpectedly learned from her mother that Cynthia had been doing very well abroad over the past few years and had become one of the top designers at Vimy, with many domestic and international celebrities vying to have custom outfits made by her. Even if they had made an appointment, they still had to wait 

months, or up to half a year, just to get their clothes


As a seasoned actress, Janet never lacked outfits. Every time she attended an event, numerous brands clamored to dress her and have her endorse their clothes

However, those outfits were merely designed for the market. The brands wanted Janet to wear them for advertising purposes, and few were custommade just for her


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