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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 

Oh, you’re married now.atever you do won’t affect the reputation of the Mitchell family anymore. But every word and action you make now represents the Edwards family

If you present a gift that’s too cheap, won’t it embarrass Theodore?Janet sneered

The store owner, Buck, watched Patrick and his wife, Debra, standing outside. His head was buzzing, thinking, The woman must be blinded by her own ignorance, daring to look down on the person Patrick brought. This lady was brought by Debra and Patrick. The raw stone she buy will be worse than this woman’s? What a joke!‘ 

Buck wanted to come out and greet Patrick, but Patrick’s gaze froze his steps. Then, as if he understood, he looked carefully at the two women arguing inside the shop

Debra smiled, So you will buy the most expensive raw stone?” 

Janet glanced at Debra, assuming that Debra and Patrick were both employees of Carter’s Jewel and the most loyal servants of the Carter family

They followed Rebecca around every day, but that was only at Charlie’s command

Charlie was a member of the Carter family, and Rebecca latched onto Charlie. Charlie had the Carter family’s servants follow Rebecca as if doting on her. Janet found it ridiculous

She thought, Rebecca is really shameless, clinging to Theodore and refusing to divorce while at the same time getting involved with Charlie. Disgusting

If outsiders knew that Rebecca was raised in my family, it might even bring shame to us

I really regret not throwing Rebecca farther away when I was younger. If I had taken Rebecca deep into the mountains where there was no one and left her far away, let the wild animals eat her, then it would have been 


Janet turned around and looked at the displayed raw stones. She didn’twant to waste any more words on Rebecca

Debra looked at Buck and exchanged a glance with him

In just an instant, Buck understood and looked thoughtfully at Janet, who was selecting raw stones

Debra said mockingly, We were just browsing. But since Ms. Mitchell brought this up, we’ll have to stay and see how well you can buy in the end. Then we can compare and see whose raw stone is better, Becky’s or Ms. Mitchell’s? Right?” 

Debra said this with a doting Inale

  1. 76

16:02 Sat 20 Jul 

Rebecca looked at Debra and found it somewhat amusing. More than half of Alagua City’s mining veins belong to the Carter family, and the best raw stones sold by jewelry stores were definitely within the Carter family’s reach. They had the cream of the crop

Janet thought she could buy more expensive and better raw stones, which was nothing short of a daydream

All these shops belonged to the Carter family, and any money made was theirs as well. Debra was deliberately goading Janet with a dare, and if Janet cared about her face, she might empty her wallet trying to buy their raw 


Buying raw stones was also known as betting stones, which not only required luck but also experience. Janet was not an expert in this field, so she would easily misjudge. Therefore, Janet was bound to lose money to the Carter family today

Alright, let’s wait and see!Janet was indeed furious

A moment later, she turned back to Rebecca and said with a cold smile, Just watch. Raw stones are not something anyone can afford casually. The cheap ones are in the tens of thousands, and the expensive ones can run into millions. I want to see if you can even afford the more expensive ones!” 

As Janet spoke, she turned towards a stone on the shelf and asked Buck, How much does this one cost?” 

Patrick raised a finger, secretly signaling to Buck

Buck understood and then looked at Janet, smiling sweetly, Miss, this one costs one hundred thousand dollars.” 

I’ll take it, open it for me!Janet sneered coldly and decisively

Buck’s eyes lit up, and his smile was radiant. Sure thing.” 

Janet took out her bank card, glanced disdainfully at Rebecca and Debra beside her, and then swiped the card cleanly to pay

Sir, do you have a raw stone worth 102 thousand dollars? Bring me one!Debra asked Buck after Janet finished paying

Janet stared speechlessly at Debra

Buck quickly caught on and immediately replied with a smile, Yes, ma’am. Would you like it? I’ll get it for you out from behind the counter.” 

Buck said, stepping out from behind the counter. He pointed to a bouldersized stone on the shelf and said with a smile, This one. What do you think about it?” 

Tll take it!Debra said


Debra also took out her card to pay


paying, she turned to Janet and said with a smile, Shall we open it and check?” 

Janet had a complex expression and snorted coldly, Sure. Spending more doesn’t guarantee better quality!” 

Debra smiled, You’re right, so let’s cut it open and see.” 

Absolutely,Janet said confidently

Excuse me, please help me cut it open,Janet turned to Buck and commanded

Buck immediately took out his tools and carefully helped Janet open the stone


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