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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 

After Theodore arranged everything that day, he felt somewhat at ease and decided not to concern himself with the Mitchell sistersaffairs any longer

However, he did not expect that, two months later, he would unexpectedly hear from a friend that Rebecca was 


Rebecca was two months along, which meant there was a good chance the baby was conceived that night

Theodore’s heart was once again thrown into turmoil. He was frustrated

But before he could figure out what to do, Janet came bouncing up to him, beaming with joy as she said she was 

pregnant, too

She seemed oblivious to the fact that the man that night wasn’t him, happily thinking she was carrying his child

At that moment, Theodore suddenly felt a surge in getting back to Rebecca

If Rebecca made him feel so uncomfortable, then he needed to make her feel the same way

He had people find out Rebecca’s prenatal checkup schedule and then deliberately took Janet for a checkup at the 

same time, ensuring Rebecca would witness it

Janet, shameless as she was, flaunted their relationship in Rebecca’s face as soon as they got to the hospital

Theodore would never forget that day. Seeing Rebecca’s pale face as Janet gleefully informed her that the child 

she was carrying was his and even advised Rebecca to terminate her pregnancy filled him with a twisted sense of 


He felt so good that day

Rebecca deserved that

She was just paying the price for messing around

Theodore realized that revenge could be a hell of a drug. Seeing Rebecca in pain was like a shot of adrenaline to 

his heart

So, he allowed Janet to continue her antics, letting her flaunt and show off in front of Rebecca

He couldn’t help but feel good every time Rebecca broke down

Later, Janet persuaded him to divorce Rebecca


Chapter 86 

How could he ever be interested in someone like Janet

He could never be attracted to a woman as despicable as Janet in his lifetime

But the idea of divorce had been tempting

Rebecca was filthy and not fit to be his wife

After pondering for a few days, Theodore had someone draft a divorce agreement and force Rebecca to sign it

He saw the devastation on her face again, even more desperate than before

But for some reason, when Rebecca finally signed the divorce papers, and they were one courthouse trip away from being officially over, he feltsurprisingly unsettled

Every night, he couldn’t shake the memory of Rebecca’s gentle care while he was in a coma

A vegetative person wasn’t completely oblivious. In those months before he woke up, his mind was clear

During that time, Rebecca was the only one who was stuck by his side and took care of him

The caregiver was rough and careless, causing him pain and discomfort during baths. He wanted to lash out, but he couldn’t control his body, let alone speak or fight back

Whenever Rebecca was home, she’d take over, bathing him with gentle, careful hands

Her touch was always light, gentle, and careful, making him feel comfortable

Theodore realized he’d gotten lost in his memories and quickly snapped back to the present, focusing on his grandparents. He selectively shared parts of the story involving Janet

Melissa was utterly baffled as she heard this, but she knew one thing for sure and quickly asked, Theodore, did you say Rebecca used to fool around with others? And she had once terminated her pregnancy at seventeen?” 

Theodore’s face darkened at the mention of this, and he nodded. Yes.” 

That’s impossible!Melissa immediately denied it without a second thought


gaze was firm as she looked at him. Theodore, before you married Rebecca, we did a background check. Rebecca was definitely a good and diligent girl

The Edwards family wouldn’t have accepted just any woman for you, even if you were in a coma!” 

Theodore was stunned by her words, He stared at his grandmother blankly

Sam frowned as well. He stared at Theodore, questioning, Theodore, who did you have investigate this matter?” 

Chapter 86 

Investigate?Theodore instantly thought of Wyatt

Wyatt was his college friend. They had known each other since university and had always been close. However, Wyatt didn’t come from a welloff family, so after graduation, he had to look for jobs everywhere instead of inheriting a family business like the rest of them

Theodore knew Wyatt was good at grades. So, he immediately had Wyatt stay and join the Edwards Group as his. assistant

Wyatt had proven himself to be a remarkably capable assistant during his years working with Theodore

However, now that Theodore started to think about it, Wyatt seemeda bit odd when things came to Rebecca


Wyatt and Rebecca were not very close, yet he repeatedly spoke well of her, suggesting that Theodore should trust Rebecca’s character

When Theodore was exacting his revenge on Rebecca, Wyatt even tried to stop him, warning him several times that he might regret it

With that in mind, Theodore suddenly stood up and said, Grandma, I have to go. I’ll be back later.” 

He then left in a hurry

Melissa watched her grandson’s retreating figure with a sigh. She couldn’t help but think that there must be some kind of misunderstanding between Theodore and Rebecca


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